Genin exam

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Naruto woke up in a cold sweat panting slightly as he bit the inside of his lip in anger. ' Those stupid villagers won, now the only thing I can dream about is that fucking day, I will have my revenge,' Naruto thought as he held his pounding head in his hand. He just forced himself to stay asleep prolonging his torture but making sure his body got to rest.

Naruto glared at himself in the mirror. 'Tch, Letting a nightmare affect you so much is pitiful,' Naruto thought as he glared harder.

Naruto sighed and got his clothes on after brushing his teeth and putting on deodorant. Naruto slipped on his shinobi sandals and waited at the front door for Sasuke. After a while, Naruto gained a tic mark on his head.

" Sasuke if you don't hurry up I'm going to put pink dye in one of your hair products," Naruto yelled. ' 1, 2, 3,' Naruto smiled when Sasuke ran down the stairs with a brush in his mouth and his shirt was on the wrong way. " I'm kidding go finish not like I want to be at the academy either Ah, what a sight," Naruto said in amusement. After a while, Sasuke came downstairs glaring at Naruto who just smiled. Naruto opened up an ice portal grabbed Sasuke's shoulder and walked through.

Sasuke shivered when he went through the portal. " I will repeat this for the hundredth time, I will never and I mean never get used to that," Sasuke told Naruto who half smiled.

" Then I guess you'll have to walk to school from now on, good luck with your fangirls," Naruto said mirthfully, Sasuke's eye's widened before he stared at Naruto pleadingly.

" Now that's just cold-hearted," Sasuke told Naruto who looked at him for a second in shock.

" You know my Jut-" Naruto was saying before he caught a glimpse of someone's face that he remembered from his dream. Sasuke noticed that Naruto went silent and the air around him chilled, He had only seen Naruto do this a couple of times, All times someone ended up dead.

Naruto walked forward and shot an ice shard at the man's foot.

" Ahh what the hell is this," The man screamed. The crowd looked and saw that his foot was trapped in ice they instantly knew what was coming next and gave the man wide berth. The man saw Naruto and remembered the night he had beat the child.

" No please I have a child don't do this, I'll give you anything you want money, my daughter, just please don't kill me," The man begged. The people in the crowd gasped when they heard the man offer his daughter.

" I think you need to chill out and shut up," Naruto said ominously as he shot an ice shard at the man's mouth. The man's eyes went wide as he suffocated to death because of the ice covering his mouth and nose. Naruto watched impassively as the man struggled to get the ice off his face as his face turned blue. After a while, the man stopped moving and slumped towards the ground as the ice over is foot disappeared. Naruto turned around and walked past Sasuke who watched his back as he walked away.

Sasuke shook his head and followed after Naruto. ' 12 down 43 to go,' Naruto counted down in his mind as he sat down in his seat and waited. Hinata stared worryingly at Naruto who didn't greet her today which he always did.

" H-hi Naruto-kun," Hinata said loud enough for him to hear. Naruto was broken out of his musing by the sound of Hinata's voice.

" Oh, Hello Hinata-chan how are you doing," Naruto asked as he smiles gently at her forgetting all of his problems at that moment. Hinata blushed bright red when she looked into Naruto's gaze.

" I'm doing well Naruto-kun, I couldn't help but notice you seemed a bit troubled," Hinata said calmly. Hanging out with Naruto a lot did wonders for her stuttering and also she was less shy around people.

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