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I don't own Naruto


Naruto rolled up in a ball and cried out in pain a the villagers beat him nonstop. He closed his eyes, but he could still see their mutilated demonic faces as they stabbed and beat him. ' Wake up damn it,' Naruto thought as he forced himself awake. Naruto sat up and looked at the clock. ' I was only asleep for an hour,' Naruto thought.

Naruto walked into the guest bathroom that was in Sasuke's house. Naruto splashed water on his face and walked downstairs. ' Why can't I just dream about something else,' Naruto thought as forces himself to stay awake.

" I guess I'll go outside and train," He said to himself as he walked to the back door. When Naruto walked outside he was hardly even shocked at the high-grade training material. ' He's from the Uchiha clan, of course, his training equipment is nothing less than perfect,' Naruto thought with no little amount of disdain. Naruto had quite a few run-ins with the Uchiha clan as a child which always ended up with them casting a genjutsu on Naruto to live through his worst beating while they did whatever they wanted to him.

Naruto made 40 Ice Fusion clones. The clones walked out of Naruto's body 1 by one. With these clones, they could transfer memory, muscle memory, Jutsu's learned, and while they work out and get stronger If they just walk back Into Naruto he will gain that strength.

" Ten work with shurikenjutsu, you ten, strap weights onto yourselves, up to 100 pounds, each, and run around the village at full speed until you're about to collapse, come to me before. You ten work out your bodies and condition them to be flexible and durable, and you ten work on my Jutsu's," Naruto ordered all of the clones took off and began working on what they were assigned. Naruto sat down by a tree and started meditating. Naruto opened his eyes and he was in a sewer. Naruto strode forward with a purpose.

" I see you have come back, Ningen, and you seek answers if you rip that seal off I'll give them to you," Kyuubi said in a guttered voice trying to trick the child.

" Or I could freeze this detestable scenery and leave you in the cold for the rest of your stay. How does that sound?," Naruto said as he glared at the fox, who seemed amused.

" Ah, Well you can't blame me for trying at least I got a smart and strong container and not a bumbling fool," The Fox put on a sheepish smile. " Well the Fourth Hokage couldn't kill me so he did the next best thing and sealed me in in his son, hwoo, that was one long story I'm parched," The Kyuubi said as he sat down.

" You act like a child," Naruto said as he surveyed the area. Naruto closed his eyes. When Naruto opened his eyes he was in a whole nother place one side was all snowy and the other side was lush green and filled with life. The Kyuubi looked shocked or as shocked as you can look when you're a giant fox. Kyuubi looked at his paws and saw he had a bracelet on that said seal on it.

Naruto opened his eyes and found himself in an empty training field. As Naruto explored the abandoned clan compound he was met with the glaring face of Sasuke Uchiha.

" What did I tell you about snooping around a place where you're not even wanted," Sasuke growled angrily.

" Well, I'm pretty sure you said *Clears Throat* 'Stay the hell out of my parents' and Itachi's room if I catch you in either one I will demand that you be removed from the compound homeless or not'," Naruto said making his best Sasuke voice and impression. Sasuke glared heatedly before turning and walking away. " Stuck up Uchiha's," Naruto muttered as he followed behind Sasuke to prepare for school.

Naruto dressed white camo that had a mix of Grey's and Blue's Anbu pants that were tapered at the bottom. Naruto's was wearing an open white flask jacket, Beneath his jacket, Naruto was wearing chain mail. Naruto was wearing blue shinobi sandals with clips on the bottom so they did not fall off.

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