Chunin Exams P1

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Naruto panted heavily as he dispatched the last batch of clones before pulling his blindfolds off and tossing them away. Naruto had been testing how many clones he could make before he got tired and came up with the number 87 thousand before he began to feel a bit drained Naruto decided fuck it put some blindfolds on and said come at me. Naruto had found a way to implement his chains into his fighting style and figured he'd just use them on instinct which worked just fine.

" Wow you sure are training hard legacy of the fourth," came a voice from nowhere. ' Shit I'm almost out of chakra,' Naruto thought annoyed as he looked around for the voice. Naruto sent chakra into his eyes and looked around and saw the person's Chakra circuits. Naruto threw an Ice Kunai towards the person's heart but they disappeared and reappeared in the clearing to the right.

" Ooh nice shot had I not moved then I probably would have died," Naruto cut the chakra to his eyes and looked at the girl. She had short black hair and an Iwa headband.

" I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that you are not one of Danzo's minions and are here for the Chunin exams," Naruto said with narrowed eye's summoning his chains. The girl nodded.

" Well then since you know who I am why don't you tell me about yourself," Naruto asked relaxing a bit but still on guard.

" I am Kurotsuchi of Iwa, grand daughter of the third Tsuchigake," The girl said cockily causing Naruto to frown.

" Yes and what is it you want from me," Naruto asked as his chains multiplied just in case she tried anything.

" Nothing really I just want to let you know you should quit the Chunin exams," Kurotsuchi said smugly as Naruto's frown deepened.

" And pray tell, why in the name of Kami would I quit the exams," Naruto said glaring at the girl who scoffed before meeting his glare with one of her own.

" Because if mine or any other Iwa team see you there we're going to tear you limb from limb before taking your precious scroll," Kurotsuchi said threateningly causing Naruto to grin.

" Oh only that for a second there I thought you were going to tell me something important," Naruto said dismissing her making her glare hard at his back as she threw a kunai at him only for it to get swatted out of the air by a chain. Kurotsuchi was pissed that this boy did not even acknowledge Iwa as a threat to him.

" You better watch out or we might just steal that little Hyuga after killing you and sell her to Kumo," Kurotusuchi threatened smirking when she saw Naruto freeze. To Kurotsuchi it looked as if Naruto blurred at of existence. The black haired girl had no time to react when chains wrapped around her body rendering her immobile. She tried to use Kawarimi to get out but could not use her chakra.

Naruto looked the girl straight in the eyes as he summoned the foxes chakra, Council be damned.

" If I see you or any Iwa nin anywhere near Hinata I'll tear their fucking arms off and beat them to death with it," Naruto said threateningly. Kurotsuchi could only nod in terror as she stared into his slitted eyes. Naruto made his chains let her go as he walked away. ' I was totally dominated. And that feral look he had in his eyes,' Kurotsuchi thought with a shudder and a blush. ' I think I'm in love,' She thought, watching his back the whole time he left.

" I will have you Uzumaki Naruto," Kurotsuchi whispered with a blush. Naruto felt a chill go down his spine as if some type of predator was watching him.

Naruto jogged to his house to take a shower and get some sleep so he was ready and alert for the first part of the Exams. 

Kurotsuchi got to the in her and her the rest of the Iwa teams were staying in. Akatsuchi noticed that his teammate was acting weird and walked up to her.

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