Remnants of a forgotten Village

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Tazuna walked quietly through his village silently hoping that this would help his village prosper once more. As Tazuna walked he noticed a path that hadn't been used in years. ' I remember that's the path to that one shrine no one could ever get in though what was the name. was it Uzuki, no, Uzumki, no again, Uzunami,' Tazuna thought before it hit him.

" Ah yes the Uzumaki Shrine that's what it was called," Tazuna said in triumph earning him weird looks from the populace in the area. ' Wait a minute didn't that one kid say his name was Uzumaki Naruto,' Tazuna thought before shaking his head. ' He also said he was an orphan so he could have just been given that name out of luck it's too much of a coincidence,' Tazuna thought still staring at the path.

' I Guess I should tell him anyway just to make sure,' Tazuna nodded to himself as he walked home past the bar he usually stopped at not really feeling like drinking.

The next morning came quickly for the 13 hours sober man. Tazuna walked down stairs on a personal mission to find the enigma that was Naruto. His daughter Tsunami was the first to greet him. 

" Hello father you're sure up early did you skid your nightly drink," Tsunami teased her father as she washed dishes from breakfast along with Sakura who had tired herself out training the previous day and made the hard decision to no stalk her precious Sasuke and help Tsunami around the house.

" No Tsunami-chan actually I was looking for the Blonde haired gaki have you seen him," Tazuna asked smiling sheepishly at his daughter's slightly widened eyed daughter.

" Uhm actually he just left a couple of Minutes ago with Hyuga-san and Uchiha-san to train they had just finished breakfast, But I'm curious at why you need Uzumaki-san," Tsunami said as she placed her hand on her hip and looked at her father.

" That's actually the thing remember that old Uzumaki Shrine that no one was ever able to enter," Tazuna asked as his daughter's eyes widened her mouth in an O shape. Sakura was slightly confused why would a shrine have Naruto's last name.

"  I know it sounds far fetched but if there's a possibility that he could get in I think it would further our goal of helping the village,"  Tazuna told her.

" If you run you might be able to catch up with them they were walking when they left," Tsunami said quickly as Tazuna rushed out of the door as fast as his old body would allow.


Naruto Hinata and Sasuke walked slowly towards a clearing that they made their training ground carrying out a small conversation.  It was mostly the Couple talking while Sasuke would bud in a couple of times slowly returning to his normal self while pushing his terrible dream to the far side of his mind. 

" W-wait s-stop walking  *pant pant* wait *pant* for me," They heard some yelling from behind. The trio turned around and saw Tazuna sweating a lot crouched over holding his knees. They looked at each other before walking to the elderly man.

" Yeah what is it old man didn't Tsunami tell you we were going to train," Naruto said irately only to get slapped in the back of the head courtesy of Hinata who gave him a small glare making him pout.

"  Don't be rude Naruto-kun, what is it that we can assist you with Tazuna-san,"  Hinata said looking at the old man who was struggling to regain his breath.

"  You ... need to come ... with me," Tazuna said breathing hard and pointing at Naruto who raised his eyebrow while looking down at the man

" Wh-," Naruto did not get to reply because he felt Hinata's glare on him. Naruto raised his hands in a weak surrender. " Mou Mou, Koichi no need to glare you might burn me, Let's go then Tazuna-te'teme, Naruto did not finish he only said te'-san lead the way," Naruto said a little annoyed.

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