Chunin Exams P4

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Naruto's eyes snapped open when his chain that leads to the right shook slightly. ' I sense three of them, They're not Konoha-nin so I'm going to assume they aren't friendlies,' Naruto said moving Hinata's head off his lap slowly as to not wake the sleeping beauty.

" Aww how sweet they're a couple," Naruto remembered that voice it was that kid from Oto that he humiliated. 

" Oh, it's just you guys for a second there I almost thought that a threat was coming our way," Naruto mocked with an exaggerated sigh of relief. The boy with the gauntlets growled angrily at being mocked.

" You'd do well not to underestimate us or you might just die," The one girl on the team growled as she discreetly threw a senbon at Naruto's temple. Naruto caught the senbon before summoning more chains.

" Man your girlfriend is hot, Oh, I know, I'll  show her what it's like to have a real man inside of her after I kill you," The tallest one said smirking. The air in the clearing chilled ten times over.

" I think it's time you chilled out," Naruto said darkly as he held up his hands and a dragon made from ice slowly started to form mid air. The team was shocked seeing the boy create a dragon without hand seals or anything.

" You didn't actually think I needed seals to use my own bloodline, Count yourselves honored you get to catch a glimpse of my power," Naruto said coldly as the dragon's mouth opened to show raged sharp ice crystals for teeth. Gauntlet boy raised his hand and shot air at the dragon.

" Kin and Zaku take out the dragon I'll take on the- gahh," The boy wrapped in bandages did not have time to finish as he was kicked in the back by a shadow clone sending  him towards Naruto who proceeded to kick the boy while he was mid air sending him into a tree unconscious.

" Duso, *tch*this just got much more difficult," Zaku said now regretting his words against the boy's girlfriend. Kin brought out three senbon and filled them with wind chakra before throwing them at Naruto. ' I'd like to see you block that," Kin thought arrogantly smirking. The three senbon hit their mark one sunk into 'Naruto's' larynx, the other in 'Naruto's' forehead, and the other into his heart. Kin's eyes widened in horror when she saw him pop into smoke.

Naruto made no comment as one of his chains pierced Kin's leg when she jumped away from a death blow at the last second. Naruto's chain that was resting through Kin's calf wrapped around her leg before slamming her into two trees and throwing her away like garbage. Naruto's focus slowly turned to the trembling Zaku.

" You talk as if you cannot be touched and yet here you are shaking like a leave before I even get the chance to show you my power," Naruto said unamused by the boy who seemed to freeze before glaring at him.

" I-I'm not scared of you bastard, I'm just looking forward to kicking your ass," Zaku said in false bravado causing Naruto to sigh in annoyance. Naruto gave the boy a cold look before pointing towards Zaku.

" Engage destroy the target and nothing else," Naruto called out. Zaku watched in terror and awe as the dragon slithered at jonin speeds towards him bearing its ragged sharp teeth. Zaku was knocked out of his musings when a vile chakra filled the air. Naruto was knocked from his rage when he felt the chakra. naruto pin pointed where the chakra was coming from and in a burst of speed was next to Sasuke.

" Sasuke are you ok where is the" Naruto slowed down the rate he was talking when he noticed the flame shaped marks covering half of Sasuke's face and his arm. Sasuke was looking at his hand in shock before he remembered what had transpired before he was bitten and mentally cursed his weakness. Sasuke noticed 

" So that's why Orochimaru-sama was so adamant about us fighting you to gauge your skill level," Zaku said in shock before noticing Naruto make a move to attack him but he held a kunai to Hinata's neck causing Naruto to freeze.

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