Great Naruto Bridge

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Tazuna sat down in front of the Uzumaki shine grinning like an idiot as he watched Hinata and Sasuke dual. Sasuke jumped back while doing a backflip to dodge a palm strike Hinata sent towards his chest as Hinata jumped back as to not get kicked in the chin by Sasuke. The two circled each other before charging at each other. The two battled each other dodging and blocking for 12 minutes until a panicked and obviously tired Sakura ran towards them.

" Two Mercenaries tried to take Tsunami-san but Shino and Kiba were able to take them down but they said that Zabuza and that fake Hunter-nin are at the bridge waiting to ambush Kakashi," Sakura screamed flailing her arms. Hinata's and Sasuke's dual came to a halt as they looked towards the shrine. ' Hurry Naruto,' They thought simultaneously. Tazuna followed them towards the bridge trying his best to keep up. 

When they got to the bridge they saw Kakashi constantly jumping around evading senbon and bending his body as best he could to dodge Zabuza's Kubikiribōchō. Sasuke snarled as he shot a fireball at the 'Hunter-nin' Who humped out of the way before the attack could hit him.

" Ahh it seems your gaki have come out to play, too bad they have to die so young, Haku take care of the gaki I'll handle this one," Zabuza said sadistically. Kakashi narrowed his eyes but mentally sighed that he would not have to face them both.

" It would be best if you did not underestimate my team they were the best of their year and they have summons of their own that Haven't been seen in decades," Kakashi boasted feeling more than confident that Hinata and Sasuke could take on Haku.

" So that may be but Haku is almost as strong as me you better hope your genin drop before he uses his ultimate Jutsu," Zabuza boasted about his own tool causing Haku to swell with pride but he did not show it. Kakashi suddenly felt less sure about their chances of winning before squashing the feeling.

" It matters not those three have been training together and honing their skills together since before they were a genin and even without Naruto they are still more than capable of handling your apprentice," Kakashi told the man readying his kunai and filling it with chakra to reinforce it the be able to take attacks from Kubikiribocho without damage.

" Enough talk it is not getting you any less dead," Zabuza said getting into his personal Kenjutsu stance.

Haku sized up the two genins making himself his special Ice Senbon.

" You two should just surrender now and save yourselves the trouble because I will not fail Zabuza," Haku said not being cocky just suggesting.

" *Tch* Piss off she-male I will never give up to the likes of missing-nin especially ones who work for the likes of Gato, and I will definitely not fail my first A-ranked mission," Sasuke said before looking   at Hinata they both nodded and bit their fingers before going through hand seals with a blur. Haku threw senbon to stop them but it was too late they got down and slapped their hands on the ground.  (: Summoning Jutsu; Fox/Lion:) Sasuke and Hinata called out at the same time.

A black Fox with red chain like designs in its fur appeared next to Sasuke and caught the senbon in its tail grinning evilly. A lavender colored Lion appeared next to Hinata catching the senbon between its teeth before snapping them with a crunch a glare on its face. The two summons slowly started to grow in size while taking on a humanoid appearance. The lion kept its fur color and elongated fangs along with its sharpened claws. It had fur covering its chest along with black shinobi pants and sandals and two basic tantos. The fox was covered in a classic prison garb but black in color with red chains wrapped around his arms. Haku was unsure about this new development but steeled his heart.

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