Chunin Exams P6

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Hinata and Neji did nothing when the proctor called for them to start. Hinata seemed tense while Neji stood as if he had not a care in the world.

" You should just give up now Hinata-sama," Neji said his tone betraying no emotion. Hinata shook her head no before calming her breath and slipping into the juken style.

" You are the clan failure Hinata-sama, while I am the clan prodigy with pure eyes not seen in centuries, just give up I am fated to win," Neji said again slipping into the juken stance along with Hinata.

" I won't give up, Neji-nii-san I'll fight you and prove you wrong," Hinata said out loud with as much confidence as she could muster in this tense situation. Neji glared at her for the affectionate name.

" I'm fated to win this battle, you are a failure,  you're not even in the proper Juken stance you disgrace," Neji snarled causing Hinata to flinch a little.

" Beat his snobby ass Hinata-chan, don't let him get to you you're awesome koichan," Naruto yelled at the top of his lungs drawing attention to himself. Hinata was instantly filled with courage that was not hers. ' Koichan, my love, Oh, I see,' Neji thought.

" So you and the failure are together, and here I thought you couldn't be any more of a failure, associating yourself with the likes of him, but I guess two failures are a bit better than one," Neji said as if it all made sense. Hinata's eyes narrowed at the jab at Naruto.

" Leave Naruto-kun out of this Neji, this fight is between you and me," Hinata said angrily, Neji smirked.

" Come then, Hinata-sama, come make me stop talking about the failure, because if you cannot stop me don't threaten me," Neji said his eyes narrowing into a glare. Hinata shot of at Neji after deactivating her gravity seals. Neji's eyes went wide in shock and pain as he was sent flying back from the juken strike to his solar plexus.

Neji snarled in anger and attacked Hinata, who seemed to flow around his attacks before sending an attack of her own that landed three of five times. Neji threw two palm strikes at Hinata whose eyes widened before she turned to the side causing the attacks to flow harmlessly past her front and back. Hinata raised her right arm to attack Neji but he jumped away.

"  What is this atrocity, what have you done to the juken style," Neji yelled angrily that he was being beaten by the failure and that she had bastardized the honored clan fighting style.

" I'm using Nagareru Juken style, you see I'm not like the rest of the clan who have an earth affinity, I have a water affinity so my body is flexible, unlike the clan's rigid ones. So I searched for a style that fit me and I happened to find that my mother and some of her forefathers had this same problem so they used a different style that was still juken," Hinata explained causing Hiashi's eyes to widen and Neji's eyes to narrow.

" So you're using a bastardized style utilized by failures who were not good enough to learn our fighting style," Neji said with an angry snarl. Hinata's and Hiashi's eyes narrowed in anger when Neji basically called his/her mother/wife a failure. Hiashi almost used the caged bird seal but decided against it.

Hinata was angry now and Neji knew it. Hinata rushed Neji with an attempt to harm. Neji was hard pressed dodging Hinata's attacks as they just kept coming not giving him enough time to attack. Duck, sidestep, dodge, roll, sidestep, duck. Neji was getting frustrated, he used his eyes to find an opening but Hinata seemed to have none except for the small period of time when she attacked and her torso was left unguarded, Neji had tried to attack it but to his chagrin she would dodge and close as many of his chakra points as he could.

Neji swallowed his pride before charging at Hinata while she attacked and shoved his shoulder into Hinata's chest knocking her over, Neji jumped back to catch his breath before gathering chakra and opening his closed coils.

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