Chunin Exams P5

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Naruto and Hinata walked hand in hand through the lounge room Naruto talking and Hinata giggling every so often.

" Hey, Hinata, have you see Sasuke I' haven't seen him yet all day," Naruto asked Hinata who shook her head negative.

" Nope, He wasn't in the room so I just assumed he went out to train, although He's been acting differently ever since The wave mission," Hinata said with a worried glint in her eyes for her brother figure.

" Yeah I noticed that too, but he started acting differently a couple of days before that because he had woke up screaming and when I went to his room to check  on him he just gave me a hug and told me to go back to sleep, I told him he could talk to me about anything but he just waved me off," Naruto said softly with a sad sigh, Hinata noticed her boyfriends distress and just squeezed his hand gently breaking him from his stupor.

" Don't worry I'm sure It's just a phase and he'll get over it, whatever it is,"' Hinata told her boyfriend but they were still worried about their friend. 

Team 7 excluding Sasuke walked into the garden part of the tower that had a training ground towards the Northwest corner looking for their missing member. The couple did not have to look very long to see their friend as he attacked the training poll with sweat glistening on his brow.

" Wow, what did the poll ever do to you Sasuke you know there's a saying that says 'treat people the way you want them to be treated'," Naruto said jokingly as Sasuke stopped and panted before giving Naruto a blank look.

" You freeze people," Was the only thing Sasuke said before sitting down and picking up his bottled water from next to the poll, to drink. Naruto sweat dropped at his comeback and Hinata giggled.

Team 7 went to the cafeteria after a small chat to eat and in Sasuke's case scope out the competition. The three ate with Naruto in the middle Sasuke on the left and Hinata on his right. Sasuke looked around and saw everyone from his year had passed along with two sand teams, three Iwa teams, though one team seemed to be looking at them or glaring actually the girl was glaring at Hinata and the male was glaring at Naruto. Kabuto's team also passed along with some other teams not worth mentioning in his opinion.

" So Sasuke you think we can pass the exams," Naruto asked his best friend who seemed to be in his own little world before he nodded silently.

" So Sasuke-kun any girls here that you would consider dating," Hinata asked catching onto what Naruto was trying to do. Sasuke looked around the room before shaking his head no.

" Sasuke are you sure you're alright you haven't been speaking to us lately and are starting to close yourself off did something happen," Naruto said with no little amount of worry in his voice getting tired of beating around the bush.

Sasuke seemed taken aback at what Naruto said. " Naruto I'm fine just not feeling all pumped up, you know," Sasuke tried with a half hearted smile. Naruto shook his head.

" No Sasuke-kun we don't know, what we do know is that you're hiding something from us, Sasuke-kun you're not alone you have me and Naruto-kun and to a smaller extent Kakashi-sensei," Hinata told her friend and Naruto just nodded in agreement.

" I agree with Nata-chan Sasuke-nii, We know that something is bothering you and you're helping no one by keeping it bottled up in yourself," Naruto said grabbing Sasuke's hand.  Sasuke was now contemplating telling them.

" Sasuke-nii don't beat your self up over it if you don't want to tell us that's fine just know that if you decide to we'll always be here for you and we won't reject you," Naruto told his long time friend who nodded a small "thanks" before walking  off with a conflicted look on his face.

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