The weird girl

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Naruto sat quietly in his seat with his hands under his chin as he stared out the window ignoring Iruka's speech on the previous Hokage's. Naruto reminisced on when his dream used to be Hokage, He was so naive he thought that by getting stronger and protecting the village he would gain their respect and then later be named Hokage. ' Tch, as if they would ever let the Kyuubi Brat become Hokage who was I kidding,' Naruto thought in disdain.

" -Ok class those are your partners for your project and make sure to not half-ass it because I will know and I will dock points," Iruka told the class as he erased the white board. Naruto was confused, ' I guess I'll ask the weird girl,' Naruto thought as he looked to the right to see a bright red Hinata. Naruto raised his eyebrow.

" Ugh, excuse me are you ok," Naruto asked Hinata who was unresponsive. Naruto got up from his seat and stood in front of Hinata to get a better look. ' My partner is Naruto-kun, we're going to be studying ... alone ... nobody around ...' The poor Hyuga couldn't take it and she passed out and hit her face on the desk. Or she would have if Naruto's face had not been so close to hers. Naruto's eyes went wide as saucers as Hinata's lips pushed against his. ' So soft and warm, wait, no bad Naruto,' Naruto thought before yanking his face away from Hinata's before anyone could notice.

Naruto was about to yell at the girl for stealing a kiss from him until he noticed that she was passed out. ' Ok, so she won't remember what happened best keep it to myself then,' Naruto thought with a sigh before he sat down and raised his hand.

" Ahh, yes Naruto is there something you need," Iruka asked Naruto a bit happy that he still raised his hand in class.

" I wasn't listening to a word you were saying because none of it is useful in a fight, So I did not hear who my partner was or what this project was about," Naruto said bluntly, If there was one thing about Naruto that did not change was he never beat around the bush. Iruka sighed.

" Naruto you'll be partnered up with Hinata Hyuga, and for the project, you'll have to study one of our kages and right about them, Like their Jutsu's what they were famous for and what Hokage they were," Iruka told Naruto who sighed in annoyance.

" I honestly think this shit is idiotic what are we going to use this knowledge for we're are ninja, not teacher's we aren't going to be stating facts during a fight we are going to be attacking, tell me please how knowing our previous Hokage's  specialty Jutsu's will help us win any fight," Naruto said with a glare, Iruka wanted to say something but he knew Naruto was right. 

" The only person I think here should be Sakura she does nothing but read books and is horrible at anything physical, I'm willing to bet that if she doesn't stop what she's doing her first mission outside our village she will get her and her teammates either killed or sold as slaves. The former if she's lucky," Naruto said bluntly causing most of the class to gasp.

" Naruto that was uncalled for and mean, you shouldn't say that about your peers," Iruka yelled at him, Naruto responded by glaring angrily at the man.

" So tell me then Iruka-sensei' What do you think will happen to Sakura and her unlucky teammates if they were to leave the village and get attacked," Naruto growled as he spits out the sensei part with venom. Iruka hung his head.

" This discussion is over as of right now," Iruka said sternly as he turned around to face the board and began his lesson again with way less enthusiasm than when he began. Naruto let out a small *tch* before resting his head on his arms to calm down. ' I detest that man,' Naruto thought with a glare as he stared at Iruka's back.

When it came time for recess Naruto was the first person out of the classroom.

' Ugh, by the time I become a genin I'm going to kill that detestable man and that screeching harpy, two years is so unreasonable,' Naruto thought in annoyance. Naruto noticed everyone already working on their project, most people were talking about doing the Yondaime Hokage or the Sandaime Hokage. ' Better go wake up the Hyuga,' Naruto thought as he put his empty bento into a sealing scroll.

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