Valley of the End

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Naruto stared at Sasuke's new form, in shock. Sasuke looked at Naruto sent a twisted smirk his way and then flew off at high jonin speeds. Naruto followed him with his eyes for a second before snapping out of his daze and chasing after his longtime friend. 

" Sasuke, wait, stop flying away," Naruto yelled as he ducked under a branch. Sasuke turned around and seal-less-ly spat a beach ball sized fireball at Naruto who threw up a shield of ice and smashed through the ball of flames, unbothered by the heat. 

The two soon stopped their game of chase as they both faced each other. Naruto had beads of sweat beginning on his forehead from his constant use of chakra and his continuous fighting while Sasuke was not even winded. Naruto calmed his breathing as he took in his surroundings. Naruto was standing on top of the statue of the first Hokage Hishirama Senju while Sasuke stood atop the statue of Madara Uchiha while admiring his new form. 

" Sasuke, stop this nonsense, come back to Konoha with me," Naruto called out to his best friend. Sasuke stopped admiring his wings and looked at Naruto.

" I'm not going back, Orochimaru can grant me the power to kill my brother, being in Konoha will only hold me back," Sasuke told his friend with a crazed look in his eyes as his three tomoe Sharingan spun wildly. Naruto sucked his teeth in annoyance.

" Sasuke, Orochimaru only wants your body, do you honestly think that he cares about your ambitions," Naruto told his friend, his anger reaching its boiling point. 

" I will kill Itachi no matter what you say and no one, and I mean no one will stand in my way," Sasuke cried out in a crazed tone as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a soldier pill and tossed it to Naruto who caught it on reflex before looking at it and then giving Sasuke a confused stare.

" I'm going to use you as a measuring stick for my power so it would not do well if you were so tired you couldn't even fight back," Sasuke said in a crazed tone as he flared his chakra. Naruto growled at his best friend but he took the pill knowing that in his current state beating Sasuke would be but a pipe dream. Naruto's breath hitched slightly as he felt his power return to him at full force.

" Stop this madness Sasuke, we don't have to fight, just come home with me and we can sort this all out," Naruto pleaded once again with Sasuke but his pleas again fell on deaf ears as Sasuke smirked and dropped into his signature fighting stance. Naruto growled as he crouched his legs and let his arms fall loosely to the side causing Sasuke to raise an eyebrow at the odd-looking stance. ' Considering this is Naruto no matter how odd it looks, it will be powerful, so I have to keep on guard,' Thought Sasuke to himself as his three tomoe Sharingan spun hypnotically. 

At the exact same time, the two powerhouses charged at each other at speeds most jonin would be hard pressed to follow. Sasuke smirked as his fist struck the right side of Naruto's face hard only to have his smirk wiped off of his face when Naruto used the momentum of his punched to fuel the force of his kick as he hit Sasuke right in the cheek sending him flying towards the water below. Sasuke shook out the cobwebs mid-fall before he growled and outstretched his wings allowing them to catch the wind and halt his fall altogether.

Naruto let out a small *tch* as he reached into his pocket and threw a three-pronged kunai at Sasuke who narrowed his eyes at the sight of the Yondaimes signature kunai causing him to lose concentration for a split second which Naruto took advantage of quickly as he appeared in the place of the kunai except he was not holding it in either hand. Sasuke glanced behind him and saw the kunai in the spot Naruto previously resided.

Naruto growled in irritation as he raised his kunai and deflected another one of Sasuke's many kunai. " Sasuke, so help me kami I will break every bone in your body and drag you back to Konoha by your hair if that's what it takes,"  Naruto yelled at his friend in another attempt to get him to reconsider. Sasuke paused for a second giving Naruto hope before roaring with laughter.

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