New Uzumaki Clan

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Danzo smirked evilly as he stared at the report his Root Anbu. Danzo had taken Nine of his worst Anbu and given them different village Forehead proctors and told them to attack the Kyuubi child Demanding the Uzukage scroll.  Danzo had to admit he was shocked to read that Naruto used Adamanite Chains but it mattered not. Danzo did not wait and called an immediate council meeting after informing the Civilian and Elders of his plan to get the scroll.

Danzo sat in his Elder chair with a smirk on his face. ' This will be like taking candy from a baby,' Danzo thought with hidden glee. Minutes later the Council room was filled with two impressive blasts of K.I. as Naruto kicked the council doors off of their hinges with poorly hidden rage as his eyes met Danzo's as he snarled at the smug council member.

" You fucking bastard how dare you send your goons to attack me, You better watch your back from now on and pray that we don't ever cross paths outside this village or in the streets because if we do I'll so you the same treatment I showed your dressed up goons," Naruto snarled at Danzo who sat straight looking in the boy's eyes.

" Is that a threat boy because you know that would be counted as treason to threaten the life of o council member,  and  I've no idea what dressed up goons you're talking about," Danzo stated chin up in utmost confidence.

" No Danzo-teme it was not a threat, It was a promise," Naruto growled out the last part upping his K.I. out put. Danzo was glaring at the boy.

" Enough Naruto we must start this farce of a meeting now," Hiruzen said distasteful glaring lightly at Danzo.  Naruto growled before taking a seat with his arms crossed.

" Now Shimura-san you have brought to my attention that you are requesting that Naruto hand over a scroll that is in his possession," Hiruzeen said with no little amount of anger mentioning Danzo. Danzo just smirked.

" Yes I was given word from a source that Uzumaki-san has required the Uzukage scroll filled with powerful Jutsu and seals that would no doubt help forward our village in our possession," Danzo said obviously meaning his. the shinobi council was shocked that such an artifact was in the possession of a child.

" You bastard like I would ever let you lay a hand on My family scroll I'd rather burn it," Naruto yelled with a fierce glare standing up fast causing his chair to fly backward.

" I agree with Naruto the scroll is technically his birthright since he is the last known Uzumaki," Sarutobi said agreeing full heartedly.

" But Hokage-sama with that scroll in our possession we could be the strongest shinobi village and have to worry not about invasions, while this boy is still an immature child who will do nothing with it after learning all its technique's but keep it to himself it, I say we detain him and forcefully take it from him," a fat merchant yelled standing up and pointing at Naruto accusingly.

" I'd like to see you try and take it you, fat oaf," Naruto screamed summoning chains that started lashing around erratically.

" Naruto, calm down you know I would never agree to that," Hiruzen told Naruto who sneered hateful at the fat man before calming his chains and making them grab his chair for him but he kept them on guard for any attack.

" Are you telling me boy that you would rather burn that scroll than watch your village prosper you would do nothing to help it," Homura said calmly trying to guilt trip the boy into giving up the scroll.

" fuck this stupid village it could burn for all I care, this place has done nothing to help me and what you're doing right now is doing nothing but fueling my hate for this village there are only few people in this village I care for and only one of them are in here," Naruto yelled causing many to gasp at how he thought of the village.

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