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Sasuke watched in a third person view as he and Naruto fought in his dream. ' What is this,' Sasuke thought as he saw himself charge lightning in his arm. Sasuke couldn't hear anything but he could tell they were yelling at each other. Sasuke watched as a spiraling blue ball formed in Naruto's hand. ' This is your future Sasuke don't fight it,' A voice in the back of his mind told him.

Sasuke watched as he and Naruto charged each other with what he thought was a war cry. 

" No stop fighting what's going on," Sasuke screamed only for his words to fall on deaf ears. Sasuke seemed to watch everything in slow motion as the two Jutsu's clashed. ' Give up Sasuke you're not meant to have loved one's that's why your parents and family were ripped from you because you are weak, give into our power,' The voice said a little louder this time. Sasuke closed his eyes and shook his head but he could still see himself and his brother figure fight for dominance. ' This is your future Sasuke, you only became friends with those weaklings so you could kill them and gain the ultimate form of Sharingan,' The voice now sounded like it was in his ears.

' No that's not the future it can't be me and Naruto don't have any Jutsu like that,' Sasuke tried to convince himself. In the midst of his musing, he watched Naruto's Jutsu just disappear. Sasuke watched in horror as his Jutsu pierced Naruto's Chest and he slumped into his arm. The 'Sasuke' looked up at Sasuke with the Mangekyou Sharingan blazing in all its glory.

" This is your our future,"  'Sasuke' said in a double voice on Sasuke's and the other the mysterious voice in his head. Sasuke's eyes changed to resemble Fox eyes.

" Nooooooooooo," Sasuke screamed as he sat up in his bed a cold sweat running down his back.

" Sasuke what the hell man, I thought I-," A groggy  Naruto began but was interrupted by Sasuke hugging him.

" Sasuke what's wrong, wait don't tell me you're coming out of the closet because you already know how I feel about," Naruto said jokingly to try to lessen the awkwardness and seriousness of the situation. Sasuke let out a mirthless chuckle.

" Naruto you know I don't flip sticks now get out of my room," Sasuke said in a deadpan voice Naruto looked at Sasuke concerned before nodding and leaving the room. ' That must of all been a figment of my imagination, I don't even know any Jutsu like that," Sasuke convinced himself as he laid down and tried to get some more sleep.


" Alpha in position. I have Target located I have eyes on Devil Cat, I am south of the target over," Naruto whispered silently into his mic.

" Lioness reporting in I'm approaching the location of the target from the North over," Naruto heard Hinata say from his earplug.

" Sly Fox reporting in I'm approaching the location of the target from the West over," Sasuke said in annoyance. ' these two are enjoying it way too much,' Sasuke thought with a sigh.

" Lazy-ero-teme-sensei reporting in I'm approaching the location of the target from the East, now remember only commence the second phase when I say-," Kakashi did not get to finish because Naruto shouted, " Go," Naruto and his teammates shot towards the target Kakashi sighed in annoyance before running towards the target also. After a hard fought battle the team came out victorious. As the team was walking towards the Hokage tower Hinata was holding and petting Tora the cat while Naruto who had numerous scratches on his face was glaring at the cat darkly.

' First, the little shit tries to attack my future kids. Then he has the nerves to get so close to my Hinata-chan,' Naruto thought in rage. Tora the cat felt a shiver go down its spine as he looked behind him to see the tallest kid glaring at him angrily.

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