Chapter 1

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"You will never lay your hands on the rift bastard!!"
"Give up Pinetree!"

A hot battle was keeping the demon and the boy busy in Ford's laboratory. Dipper was only here to make sure everything went its right way as Bill had appeared out of nowhere, ready to rob his last ingredient to rule the universe. Of course Dipper knew the demon's intentions and tried to protect the rift.

"You will not get it!"
Dipper had the rift tight in his grip, making sure it was protected by the boy's body. He promised his grunkle Ford to take care of it and now was the time to hold this promise.
"Take that Pinetree!"

The laughing demon raised his finger and aimed at Dipper, shooting a laser at him. With a squeak the boy fell onto his knees as the laser went past him and clutched the precious rift at his chest.
But what the laser hit, made both freeze for a short moment. A loud hiss was audible, followed by a lightning bolting out of the seemingly destroyed portal.

"What the hell...?"
Dipper murmured in amazement, not aware of the danger he was in. In mere seconds, the small dimension gap grew into a huge form.
Now the teenager noticed what was happening and took a step back, turning pale. Bill seemed for the first time speechless, but in a matter of milliseconds his triangle began to glow in joy.

"Wohoo!! The portal is still active!!"
His joy doubled itself as all of sudden a high pitched scream of his rival echoed in the room while out of nowhere, he floated up.
"Bye bye Pinetree~ N-no wait... THE RIFT!!"
Scared this portal could ruin everything for him, the demon flew towards the terrified boy and tried to rip it out of his arms.

Dipper felt himself loosing his strengh and became very tired as closer he floated to the portal which made it easy for Bill to take what the boy tried to keep away from him.
He laughed in victory, holding finally the rift in his black hands.
"Victory is mine!!"
Dipper panicked at this. He was terrified. Tears started to stream down his bruised face from the fight with the dream demon and he squeezed his eyes shut.

But in a blink he made a decision. If these would be his last seconds, he wanted to say what he always wanted to say. His expression changed to a weak smile as he awaited his end.
The dream demon looked up, smirking victorious.
"I love you, Bill!! I've always loved you! Please don't forget me! P-please...!"

The demons grin changed instantly to a look of pure horror as he watched Dipper dissapearing completely into the portal, before it crushed with a loud noise into small pieces.
Dipper was gone.
Bill stared in shock onto the wall where the portal hung a minute ago. The triangle started to tremble and a tear rolled slowly out of his eye.
"N-no... N-no...! Pinetree!! Come back!!"

More tears followed and Bill sank onto the ground, crying and sobbing for what felt like hours.
"I-I... f-feel the s-same..."


Dipper woke up with a catastrophal headache. He laid on moss, warmed through the sun heating it for what it seemed quite some time. With a groan, he tried to raise himself but he couldn't. He felt too weak. It was like a supernatural being had sucked all of his enery out of his body.

"W-where am I..."
Muttering this unanswerable question to himself, he let his gaze fly around. He was in a forest it seemed... It looked exactly like the forest of Gravity Falls, he had to know it since he visited it daily.
If that would be really Gravity Falls he was more than lucky that the portal didn't throw him out anywhere else.

Suddenly, through the still dizzy cloud surrounding his head he heard a voice. Two voices, to be exact.
"It seems the supernatural activities are here the strongest. Something happened here, dearest brother."
"Indeed, you are right, beloved sister."
These two voices came nearer and nearer. In fear it could be a monster the boy stumbled to get up from the soft moss below him and made a run for his life.

But out of nowhere, he heard a bang and felt a sharp pain at his head. Within seconds, his world turned black and Dipper passed out.

The twins, only a few meters away from him, stared at the unconcious boy in front of them.
"It seems he is the source for this all."
"A demon?"
"It is possible."
"How about we train him like Will? I need a new toy."
"As you wish, dearest brother."
With a snap of the male twins fingers the amulet at his neck started to glow and the unconcious Dipper floated up into the air. The twins turned around and walked back, the teenager following them.

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