Chapter 9

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A/n: I'm so so sorry for letting you wait! It's just, school started a week ago and ugh, it's worning me out already. The A-level is really nothing easy... So I will probably update at the weekends since I've got more free time there.

The next morning Dipper wasn't happy at all to be again in his own body which arched from this goddamned shock collar. He was so sick of it.
Slowly, he opened his eyes and was greeted by the soft morning light shining through the window. He sat up with a deep unmotivated sigh and,  careful to not wake Will up, started to dress himself properly. Of course he didn't forget the blue charm Will gave him and hid it under his shirt.

As he turned back to the bed again his gaze slowly fell onto the blue demon. He was snoring peacefully and, without any doubt, was even cuter and innocent than usual.
Dipper couldn't help himself than to chuckle quietly. Suddenly, a loud growl emitted out of his stomach and he instantly pressed his hand onto it.
These idiotic twins didn't give him lunch nor dinner.

It took all his bravery, but he slowly raised himself and tiptoed out of the room. The hallway was uncomfortable cold and Dipper shivered, both out of fear and because he was freezing.
Arriving in the kitchen his first goal was the fridge. He already started drooling as he imagined how he was about to stuff himself.

"...dearest brother, wake up."
Tyrone grumbled something and turned onto his side, sleeping peacefully.
That got the male to instantly raise himself. With a cold huff he crossed his arms.
"What is it?! I am sleeping, aren't you seeing that?!"

Reverse Mabel sighed and pushed a bang of her soft brown hair backwards.
"My apologies. I just wish to lend your slave to go into the city."
Tyrone laid back and closed his eyes again.
"Do what you want..."
Reverse Mabel nodded in satisfy and turned to leave her brothers room. She headed to the kitchen.

Dipper turned pale as he heard fast steps. His mouth covered in crumbs he hastily cleaned everything up and wiped them off, then rushed to hide somewhere. But it was already too late, the door opened and Reverse Mabel stared at him. He felt his heart pound to his throat and a soft whimper emitted out of his mouth.
"Demon boy, you will come with me today. I need someone to carry my bags."

Dipper was surprised she didn't punish the boy and actually wasn't in the mood to mention it either. He just was glad about it and so responded with a happy nod.
"But remember. One try to escapd and I will use this again."
The facial expression of Dipper instantly changed into pure fear as he saw the small remote for his shock collar. Again he nodded hastily and Reverse Mabel smiled coldly.
"I wish to leave right away. Demons don't need food so you won't get some now~"

Dipper lowered his head in defeat. But at least he had stuffed himself from the fridge so he was finally since days completely full by now.
As the two left the house he had to shield himself a bit from the sun. It seemed like ages since he left this house and so was quite exited. The breeze which was surrounding him harmonized perfectly with the light of the sun.

In the town of Reverse Falls, everybody greeted Reverse Mabel with an admiring hello. Dipper was already pissed off by that. They wouldn't love her at all if it would get public that these twins enslave other people.
As expected, Reverse Mabel wanted to go shopping. Dipper almost puked at this. Oh how much he hated shopping...

Bill was also in the town. Originally just to inspect everything and to scare some people to death, but now he strangely felt a connection to someone or something. It was almost like he got pulled and dragged to the source of it.
"What the heck...?!"
He clearly wasn't fond if this, but the curiosity won and so he began to follow his instinct.
...which lead him to a certain brunette.

Dipper couldn't help himself than to feel he got watched. He always turned around and scanned the area closely, but despite the townsfolk acting as their completely opposite nothing was odd. Until something out of nowhere grabbed his hand and pulled him behind a corner. Dipper wanted to scream but his voice was just gone. He felt terrified of what might hapoen to him, but only until he met these oh so familiar golden eye.

The demon smirked at him.
"How sweet. Here I am, about to scare the town and now you show up here. Aren't you in prison?"
"R-reverse Mabel w-wanted me to carry her bags while she goes shopping..."
Dipper refused to call this person only Mabel since that definitly wasn't his loving, funny and caring sister. That person was a monster.
Bill cocked his head to the side. Suddenly, Dippers cheeks heated up as he realized how close these two stood. He instantly pushed himself a bit away, only for Bill to trap him into a tight embrace.
"Aw how cute~ Pinetree is blushing~"

This didn't help the poor boy in any way and he kept on squirming, but it was just no use. Bill suddenly grabbed his chin with one hand and fixed his eyes with an unclear expression.
"You said something very interesting the last time... Remember~?"
Dipper could feel his face burning as the demon leaned to his ear and whispered
"You said... I love you... Remember~?"
He chuckled softly.
"So either way, you're mine."

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