Chapter 4

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Meanwhile in Bills universe...

The evil dream demon wasn't able to be recognized. No one could. And absolutely no one had a single clue why.
Bill Cipher, the great and all mighty Bill Cipher...
...was caught.

"Bill! Where is my brother?!"
Mabel seemed desperate to get something out of the demon, but he didn't even react. Calmly as if in a deadly silence, Bill sat in a small cage Ford had stuffed him into. Of course, he used unicorn hair for the bars so Bill wasn't able to escape... but weirdly, he wasn't even eager to get his oh so loved freedom back.

He just sat there on the ground of his cage and stared into the air. He reacted to nothing. Ford went even that far and swayed the riff around in front of his nose, in hope of a reaction. But not even that animated the demon to move a single muscle. He looked more like a statue of Bill Cipher than the original one.

The family was desperate. Not only Bill acted more than weird, but Dipper was also gone.
Mabel even glued a wanted poster of Dipper onto every wall she could find in the whole town, but no success... Stan was distracting himself together with Soos with watching game shows and Wendy was as depressed as ever. Well not really depressed... It was rather like she was annoyed the whole time. Scoffing at her friends and dad, she didn't want to do anything anymore and honestly, she was a Robbie in a girls body.

Ford sighed deeply. He had worked long on his papers again and always kept a small eye onto Bill who still sat like a statue in his cage. Ford couldn't help than to groan for a short moment. His nephew, practical best friend and right hand was gone. All of sudden. He didn't know what happened, he didn't know where he got lost and moreover, he was terrified that it probably had something to do with the demons weird behavior. Suddenly, he froze. Something in his left eye corner just moved and he was sure it was Bill. His first move since already three days passed. Ford spun around on his chair and stumbled towards the dream demon.
"Bill, explain me what is going on here!! My nephew is gone and I'm sure it has something to do with you!"
Bill didn't answer. He closed his eye for a mere minute to collect himself beford he, for the first time since long, stared directly at Ford.

"Let. Me. Out."

The old man shook cockily his head.
"You wish for, huh? No. First tell me where Dipper is, you oh so mighty demon."
Bill growled under his breath. The human really always brought him to the edge of an anger outburst.
"I said let me out. Or you will see your nephew never again."

Ford gasped and furrows his eyebrows. He wasn't sure at all and Bill knew that. So much could happen... Bill could escape with a lie, catch the riff and everything would be ruined. He could kill Dipper as soon as he got free. He could torture his family. He could-
"Listen Sixter."
Ford, ripped out of his thought, crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Lets make a deal. You let me go and in return I will get Pinetree back."

Ford growled quietly.
"Why should you want him even back? Without him your last weakness, the summoning wheel, is gone."
Bill raised his eyebrow and crossed his black arms.
"...that is something between me and Pinetree. Deal?"
Ford hesitated, but shook Bills outstretched hand and opened the cage. Instantly, Bill floated out and snapped his fingers.

A yellowish fog circled the demon from Fords eyesight and the man took a step back, his gun ready for self defense.
As the fog left, Bills triangle form was replaced by a human. At least that was what others would have thought, but Ford knew that in front of him really was Bill. The demon looked actually more than handsome. He had soft golden hair, wore a yellowish sleeveless coat with a white hemd and a black vest with matching black gloves. His pants had the same dark colour and on his belt was a triangle sign. A hat with a cane and a black eyepatch finished the looks.

Ford jawdropped as he saw the demon.
"S-since when can y-you turn human?!"
"Since always, Sixter."
Bill closed his eye and seemed to concentrate. All these days he restored and built up energy and now was the time to unleash it. Slowly out of nowhere, a portal appeared in front of the demon and Ford became more and more curious,even when he didn't interfere.

Without hesitation, Bill stepped through the portal which closed instantly after him, leaving a speechless Ford and his dimension behind.

-sowwy it won't let me post pictures...-

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