Chapter 17

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Maybe he should just give in, yeah... It actually didn't sound too bad to be called as 'Bills'. After all, he surely heard often enough couples call each other mine. Mostly in these romantic movies he had to watch with Mabel.

There still was just one problem. It wasn't very good to be completely naked and caught in a teasing demons grip.

"Bill... Come on... We need to sleep, remember?"
Dipper was avoiding Bills gaze by now, his hot blush reaching to his ears by now. The dream demon only chuckled sweetly.
"There's no need to sleep for a demon as I am~ Also... I believe you wouldn't want to miss this too~"
Of course, Dipper was foolish enough to ask.
"M-miss what...?"

The next thing he knew was that he was laying on Bills bed with the handsome dream demon towering over him. Completely taken aback by surprise the boy just kept on staring at him in awe, not able to move a single muscle.
Bill lowered his head to plant a soft kiss onto Dippers neck, letting the boy shrudder.
"This~ You like it Pinetree, don't you..."
He cooed teasingly into the brunettes ear, earning a small whine of him. Of course Dipper liked this, but honestly, as if he ever would tell that!
"You thinking it is all I need~ Lean back and enjoy..."

From this point on he began to take short nips of Dippers pale skin, letting the boy shift nervously below him. His soft kisses let him grow incredible hot and Dipper couldn't help to feel an incredible longing towards he demon. This was what he had wished for since he met Bill, he loved the demon with all his power.
As the demon hit a specific spot on Dippers neck, the boy released a soft moan which caused him to blush furiously and press his hands shut onto his mouth. Bill only laughed shortly at this and grasped Dippers wrists, pinning them above his head shut onto the bed.
"So cute..."

Dipper squeezed his eyes shut and pressed his lips together.
"Shut up..."
It was unbelievable that of all kinds of people Bill would be the one starting those things. Another mad shiver interrupted the boys thoughts and he purposely clenched his lips once again, not letting any sound escape. Of course the demon didn't like not to be able to hear his Pinetrees voice and used this to let his kisses on Dippers skin grow intense and wet.
By now, the helpless boy got to notice that Bill had himself placed directly between his legs... what caused him to grow a shade redder.

Only shortly after this thought Bill proceeded to grind his hibs roughly against Dippers waist, causing the brunette to arch his back with a silent squeal of pleasure. He was watching Bill only out of halfopened eyes which were already taken over by the longing for his demon.
Keeping Dippers wrist in a firm grip with one hand, he trailed his other hand slowly down the shivering teens body. Bill always knew he wanted to see his Pinetree helpless and without any chance to resist, but who could have known it resoluted to this szene?
The powerful demon wanted more, this wasn't enough. The pace of his hot breath incrased against Dippers smooth skin, sending goosebumps all over his body.

Suddenly, Dipper began to blush furiously as not only his mind but his body wished for Bills touch too. The erection the demon caused spoke more than a thousand words and Bill couldn't refrain to smirk kinkily at the embarassed boy.
"How sweet to see you like me this much~"
Dipper didn't respond to this as a moan instantly cut him off once again. All he knew was that Bill was going to use this to his advantage which instantly happened as he could feel the soft and warm hand of the demon beginning to pump his erection.Now he really couldn't stop anymore, helpless moans escaped the boys mouth but instantly he was silenced by Bills lips crashing forcefully against his own ones. Kissing him just as passionate back, he soon lost the fight for dominance in his own mouth. But he didn't seem to mind much.

Speeding up, the demon brought the squirming and whimpering boy to his climax. Dipper didn't even had time to warn Bill as his seed splattered over the demons hand and his stomach, causing the male to smirk in satisfy. Dippers face could get compared to a tomato by now, but he was exhaused already through this.
Still panting through Bills rough and possessive kisses Dipper smiled weakly up at him, rolling lightly his eyes.
Bill chuckled in amusement and peeked gently Dippers soft lips in response.
"My Pinetree."

Dipper was left with a faint longing for the real game with the demon, but he didn't dare to speak it out loud nor to think about it.
Bill snapped his fingers and as if never anything happened, Dipper was completely clean and dressed in his fresh boxers. He rolled off of him and next to him, keeping the boy in his arms close while with a small snap the lights went off.

Dipper snuggled hesitantly up into the demons neck, smiling like an idiot. He was happy, really happy. And with this peaceful smile he drifted into a deep slumber... clinging onto his baby blue triangle charm.

The scenery was... weird. It was an eery atmosphere in this empty town and nobody was around. Dipper walked through the silent streets, no noise, nothing...
A cool breeze played with his hair as he kept on searching for the person he dearly wanted to see.
"Where are you?! What is this place in Gravity Falls?!"
This surely was the town of Gravity Falls. He recognized Soos' house. Suddenly a faint sobbing caught his attention and he instantly speeded off, trapping the terrified girl inside his arms. She shrieked at first but then trapped him inside a hug.

"Don't worry Mabel... It's only a nightmare..."

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