Chapter 11

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These few minutes where he needed to remain patient seemed endless for Dipper. But finally, he felt how this person laid him down onto something soft... a matress maybe?
Whatever it was, it felt amazing on his arching body. But as the blindfold was finally removed and his eyes got used to the light, he smiled weakly into the concerned face of Will Cipher.

He didn't bother to raise himself, in fact, he still couldn't move anyway. Will brushed a few of Dippers chocolate brown locks out of his face and smiled worriedly.
"H-how are you feeling Dip...?"
"H-horrible... I-I can't move..."
Even speaking seemed to be difficult for him. Will sighed and took a bottle of water, filling the brunettes mouth with the cold refreshing gift. Dipper swallowed eagerly until Will felt the boy had enough.

"W-well... Y-you probably want to k-know what happened, huh?"
A small nod was all he earned. Dipper closed his eyes as he rested, listening closely.
"You see... W-when mistress and you came home, I-I saw you are getting a bad punishment... I-I didn't want them to hurt you s-so much... So I sneaked inside after they left, lifted you up and t-teleported out of the mansion... Y-you're free, Dip."

Dipper couldn't believe his ears. Instantly his eyes shot wide open and joy overflowed his trembling voice.
Will nodded with a soft sheepish smile. His gaze fell onto Dippers body. The boy didn't even notice it, but he was only wearing his boxers. Will had him undressed because of his countless wounds... and some broken bones. Especially at his legs were bad hits...

Dipper grimaced and shivered slightly, of course he became cold. In the evening the summer temperature always dropped a few degrees. Will instantly snapped his fingers and a soft light blanket spread over the boy, warming his bruised body.
Will smiled curiously at him.
"I-I can heal your wounds if you want... B-but the pain will still remain."

Once again, Dipper nodded. Even if the pain wouldn't leave him for quite some time then, he couldn't make things worse with moving too much. So without any further discussion, Will snapped once again his fingers and a warm glow embraced the trembling boy. Dipper sighed in relief and closed his eyes once again. Now, he actually noticed how exhausted he was... physical and mental. All he heard was a faint 'good night' of Will before he drifted into a deep slumber.

Surprisingly, the next morning as he woke up he was faster awake than Will, who still snored softly on another matress. Now the boy actually noticed where he was... it looked like a cave. The soft splashing of the waterfall guiding its entrance calmed his nerves and cooled him from the sun burning down onto the earth, heating the outside world. Despite it being a cave behind a waterfall, it looked quite beautiful. So they could survive for quite some time here... Especially when Will could make food appear with a simple snap of his fingers.

Dipper folded his arms with a dreamy sigh under his head and stared onto the walls above him. Of course his body still arched like hell, but at least his wounds had vanished completely.
Suddenly, his expression darkened as the events of the day before flashed through his mind again.


Dipper bit his lower lip and sighed shakily. Why was he just such an idiot? Both of them were idiots. He, for falling in love with the one who could wipe his family in a mere blink out and Bill, because he didn't rejec-

Instantly Dipper shot up, still grimacing through the arching pain. His heart beated inside his throat, fastly and exited. His face flustered a deep shade of red.
Bill never rejected him.
In fact, the opposite happened. Since this day he had the feeling the dream demon became nicer... at least to him. Also he felt emotions impossible for a mere demon...
He actually could get hurt. Dipper nodded to himself, he was so definitly going to ask Will about this.

Enough of having to rest in bed, the boy swung his legs carefully out of the sheets. He shivered as his bare feet touched the cold stone ground and smiled relieved as Dipper saw his clothes, washed and nicely folded on a chair next to his bed.
The dressing went fast, but the walking...
Lets just say he looked like he wasn't walking on his legs but matches which were about to break any second. It was unbelievable how weak he felt on his legs.

A few minutes of soft stumbling around Dipper sat with a small groan down again on his matress. He needed a break...
Right on the second, Will opened his eyes and raised himself, only to stretch his upper body. A loud yawn escaped his mouth as he instantly turned to look after Dipper. But as he saw the brunette sitting on his bed he let out a soft whimper.
"Dip, you are supposed to rest!"
"Yeah yeah... But that's boring."
Will facepalmed but couldn't help than to smile. This Dipper really was too priceless sometimes.

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