Chapter 2

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Dipper woke up to the feeling of something heavy limiting his movements. Once again, the headache he possessed almost killed him.
With a small groan, the boy tried to remember what actually happened. He was sucked in by the portal in Fords laboratory... woke up on a soft bed of moss... and he heard two voices approaching him. He tried to run, but then...

"Oh please, not again... "
He murmured in displeasure. Of course it was like that. Five minutes in another dimension and already captured by someone or something. Dipper hesitantly opened his eyes with a spark of hope to find a way to escape, but it got instantly blown out by what he saw.

Dipper seemed to be in a dark room in someones house. Heavy blue chains at his wrists and ankles limited his freedom which connected him to the cold wall behind him. To that, he felt something around his neck. Was it... a collar?
The rest of the room drowned in pitch black, he could merely see a small heavy door which probably led to freedom and a long wooden table at the other end of the room. But despite these two things, it was just him all alone in this prison.

Dipper could do nothing than waiting for what was about to happen. He felt so weak and was disgusted of himself. He wasn't able to protect the rift, got sucked into a different dimension... Like, it had to be a different one. No normal human would ever capture another human like this. And this brought the boy to his last point... how he let himself get captured in barely five minutes. Oh Ford would be so disappointed in him...

To think his huge idol would hate him for his weakness made the boy sick and ashamed of himself. Without a noise, he started to cry softly.

It wasn't long until the doors opened and two persons stepped inside. 'At least humans', thought Dipper in relief.

"I see you woke up, demon."
'Demon...? Does he mean me?'
Confusion was written all over Dipper's tearstained face, he was everything but a demon. Suddenly the light switch jumped on and Dipper shielded his eyes from the blinding light. He slowly got used to it and risked a look at his kidnappers.

They looked quite alike, only that one was a boy and the other a female. In conclusion, these two were twins. Despite that, they wore clothes in light blue and white which reminded the prisoner much to his disgust of Gideon Gleeful. Also, the amulet on boths necks didn't help much to change the first impression Dipper had of them.

"You are quite a pathetic demon..."
The female twin huffed and Dipper gasped quietly in response.
"I-I am not a demon!!"
He felt a harsh slap of the male one on his cheek and whimpered quietly, his burning cheek turning red.

"Listen closely demon, because I won't repeat myself."
Dipper swallowed nervously at this.
"You will serve us from now on as our slave."
The boy couldn't believe what he was hearing. He, a great mystery hunter, savior of the Northwest's asses, enslaved by two mere teenagers?! Impossible!
"I-I am not a demon and I will definitly not serve you, got it?! Now free me already! I just want back to Mabel!"

At this, the female raised suspiciously her eyebrows.
"I am Mabel."
Dipper frowned and shook once again hastily his head.
"You are everything but Mabel! She is kind, nice, protective, more than optimistic and moreover, my sister!"
The twins flashed a glance at each other and the male suddenly smirked and grabbed Dippers chin hardly, making him whince.

"I don't believe your filthy lies, demon."
Dipper gasped and wanted to argue once again, but a sharp pain on his back prevented him to do so. He screamed in pain at the next hit and started to cry softly. Reverse Mabel stood behind him, whipping his back with an evil smile set on her face. Between his cries of pure pain, Dipper managed to shout out
"Why the heck do you think I am a demon?!"

The male twin chuckled coldly at this.
"Because you are the source of a new paranormal phenomenon."
"And, what if?! Not my fault I crashed through grunkle Fords stupid portal!"
The male growled darkly and punched Dippers face, leaving the boy howling in pain with a bleeding nose.

Dipper remained quiet now as he endured the whip string ripping his back apart, crying heavy waterfalls. He didn't even know what was going on nor did he know where he was.

After around half an hour reverse Mabel stopped, leaving the crying mess kneeling in front of them with a heavily bleeding back and a shaking breath.
"I am Tyrone Gleeful, but you will address me as master if you don't want to be punished."
"My name is Mabel Gleeful, but you shall address me as mistress. Got it?"
In fear of another round Dipper nodded, but then raised slightly his head. Sweat drops on his forehead let his curly hair shine.
"...G-Gleeful...? A-are... a-are you t-the family o-of Gideon...?"

For this the already arching boy earned another slap from Tyrone, sending him back onto the ground. Dipper didn't move to sit up anymore, he didn't contain the strengh to do so at the moment.
"Don't ever compare this filthy Gideon Pines with us!"
'Pines...? But I am Dipper Pines!' the helpless boy thought. That was impossible, but the boy didn't think further about it.

Reverse Mabel and Tyrone nodded in satisfaction, then left the room and turned the light switch back off. Dipper was lone in darkness, his back burned like fire and his cheeks stinged from both tears and the impressive slaps he had received.

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