Chapter 18

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Mabel seemed so terrified...  If actually any person would've been there they could've watched Dippers heart break with the sobs of his beloved sister. She clung tightly onto her brother and cried into his plain orange shirt.

Her tears kept flowing like a river and Dipper almost started crying as well, even when he had no clue what the reason for his sisters fear was.
A few more minutes later the female twin dried out of tears and became quiet, even tho Dipper didn't stop petting her back and head.
"Shh... Mabel, what happened in your dream? Where is everyone?"

The girl looked up at him with through tears red eyes, trying to formulate a sentence which would make sense. But all of sudden, she turned pale and covered her brothers mouth who just wanted to say something.
Dipper, surprised by the female silencing him, froze instantly. There was... there was a sound.

But... what was it? Judging by Mabels reaction nothing he would like to meet.

Slowly, he turned around... only to face a huge beast. It... somehow looked a bit like a dog. Only that it was as tall as grunkle Stan and its smell was the one of death. To that these eyes... these red glowing eyes...
Dipper instantly lost all his skin colour, he looked like a ghost. The beast growled darkly and Mabel let out a small whimper.

But suddenly, Dipper frowned. This... this was a dream. Mabels dream. She maybe wouldn't recognize it as a lie, but he would. And in a simple nightmare like this... Dipper couldn't get hurt.
Without hesitation he got up and grabbed an iron rod next to him, staring determined at the beast.
"Now listen well, nothing in the whole world will part me and my sister. Die!!"

With a scream of pure anger, Dipper attacked the beat, ramming his iron rod into it. The beast if course defended itself with everything it got, but other than Dipper it couldn't fit that well into the alley. With ease, Dipper killed the monster and huffed, throwing the iron rod down to its feet.
"Pathetic. Mabel, are you okay?"
Mabel stared in awe at her brother and instantly tackled him into a hug.
"You defeated it! Brobro, this stupid thing kept on bugging me the whole time since you visited me... Dunno why. But... Thank you."

Dipper smiled sheepishly and gave his sister a big siblings hug before Mabel used her own creativeness to change the horror fairy tail into her personal world 'Mabelland'. Both sat down on a big hill, watching the sparkling town below them. Mabel unfortunally sensed something which kept on bugging her brother, so she nudged encouraging his arm.
"Come on, spit it out."

Dipper sighed and, afraid he might become shy again, kept his gaze forward.
"Mabel, I... I will come back into our dimension tomorrow. With Bill. There is just something..."
Mabel already wanted to break into violent squealing but stopped herself so her brother could continue.
"I kinda... am together with Bill now. Bill as in Bill Cipher."

Mabel couldn't believe what she heard. Seriously?! Her brother and this... this demon?! Who actually wants to erase the whole world?!
"Is that really true?!"
"Yea... I'm sorry... I just... I just can't live without him anymore. And... since he knows it he actually is nicer. Not less rude, but less... you know, less tricky and life-destroying."
Mabel obviously needed a minute to progress that and to see if Dipper wasn't just fooling around as always. But no, he seemed serious.

The girl took a deep breath and her expression went blank.
"Dip... You do realize you are together with our biggest villain? The one who would kill for his goals?"
"I-I know Mabel! But I just love him! Please, just help me trying to convince our grunkles about him..."
Mabel sighed deeply, but then suddenly broke out into squealing.
"Gosh, my Dipdop is in love!! Awesome!! Like oh gosh, you two probably are sooo cute!"
"Mabel!! Shut up!!"

Poor Dipper was blushing again by now. But at least he had Mabel on his side and denying her anything was almist impossible. Even tho he worried about grunkle Ford... After all he shared a past with Bill at his side. Mabel obviously noticed her brother falling into deep thoughts, so she randomly started tickling him.
The twins goofed around for quite long until it was Dippers time to leave agsin into the real world.

In the early morning Dipper woke up with a feeling of being cold.
"Oh no, he wouldn't dare this..."
The brunette opened his eyes and really, Bill was gone. Furious, he sat up and rubbed aggressively inside his eyes.
"This stupid...!"
He muttered curses under his breath as he began to get dressed with his usual clothing. Oh if he would find Bill...

The search actually didn't last long, all of sudden the room door opened and Bill stepped casually inside.
"Hi Pinetree~"
Dipper grumbled and turned around to spit something into the blondes face, but his voice stuck in his throat. Bill was dripping wet, slight hot steam rised from his hair and shoulders and all this dream demon wore was a towel.

The boy couldn't help to blush furiously. God, this demon was hot...
Bill grinned widely from ear to ear and leaned casually forward until their nose tips were almost touching. In reflex, Dipper scooted backwards and let the blonde chuckle at this.
"Pinetree Pinetree... I never knew how much you love my human body~"
This gave Dipper the rest. He was officially done with the world.

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