Chapter 19

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Without answering Bills teasing the boy hurried past him downstairs, the laughing demon behind him. He had just snapped his fingers and once again, was completely dressed and his hair dry as straw.
The small wanna-be hunt ended inside the kitchen where Preston awaited both of them with breakfast.

Without a word, Dipper plopped down onto his seat and started to torture his poor fried eggs, Bill doing the same. Soon enough, Will and Pacifica joined them together with Gideon. Dipper suddenly sighed quietly and a somehow sad expression washed over his face.
"So... Guess I will be leaving then today..."

Pacifica and Gideon instantly got rid of their good mood. In these mere days, they had won Dipper as a really close and trustful friend. Even Preston showed some kind of dissapointment. But, even when nobody spoke it out loud, all of them thought the same.
Dipper didn't belong into this dimension.
Also, he had a family waiting for him on the other side of the portal. The family he won here would stay forever in his heart, but it didn't change anything at the hurtful truth. This dimension already had a Dipper.

"Yea... H-hey, maybe we can go kicking Gleefuls asses just outta fun~ After all we would get to see Dipper, only with a different personality."
Pacifica tried to raise the mood with a weak joke, but failed miserable. Will started to tremble and shook hastily his head while Gideon wrinkled his nose in disapproval.
"N-no! God, they would catch me!"
"And Mabel would chain me somewhere as her 'king'..."
Gideon shivered at that and cleared his throat to get rid of this thought.

Bill of course, didn't understand the miserable mood. For him, everything was perfectly fine. He would get back into his own dimension today, get rid of these Southeasts and Dipper belonged to him, there was no other possibility. To that these awful meatsack twins wouldn't continue to bother his Pinetree.
That wasn't even all, with the most dangerous sign of his summoning wheel gone nothing could stop him anymore!

Indeed, today will be a historical day...

The demon focused down onto his almost empty plate to muffle a secret smirk.

Oh yes, today will start a new era...

As soon as they swallowed their breakfast, Dipper gave his goodbyes. Bill unsurprisingly saw no sense in this and so just waited together with Will for them to finally stop crying like weaklings. Dipper smiled under tears at Pacifica and Gideon, not letting them out of his embrace. Suddenly, Pacifica squealed slightly and reached out towards her chair, pulling a sweater out from below. Grinning from ear to ear, she handed it to Dipper.
"Give that your Mabel! And greetings from me, yea?"

Dipper laughed at this but nodded and tied the sleeves shut at his neck. Will smiled shyly and urged Dipper to leave now with them, motioning slightly over to an impatient Bill. The brunette sighed and nodded, grasping both Bills and Wills hand.
"See you in your dreams, Southeasts."
The blonde demon couldn't help to grin widely at this, that could've been totally a line of him.

Once they teleported, they found themselves on a kliff with a perfect view onto Reverse Falls.
"Goodbye, Reverse Falls... And... g-goodbye, W-Will!!"
Now Dipper couldn't surpress it anymore, he tacklehugged Will and started to cry loudly, letting everything out. Will didn't seem less sad, he kept the boy in his tight embrace, burrying his face into his shoulder.

A truly sad smile covered his face as his body began to glow in azure flames. The whole time, the bluenette kept on hugging the sobbing boy, who didn't notice a thing. Neither the flames nor the sparks flying around, not even Bill taking Wills outstretched hand. All he recognized was how much he would miss Will Cipher, his best friend. And finally, Wills tears started to run down his childishly chubby and pale cheeks.

"Don't forget me, Dip... Please don't... You were my light in the dark prison, my hope and my will to escape all this... Thanks to you, I-I am free... Thank you Dipper..."

Dipper tightened his grip onto Will, his sobs choired by various hiccups.
"N-never! You were my first friend! You made my pain easier! W-Will... D-don't forget me either, g-got it?!"

...he didn't receive an answer.
Once he reopened his eyes, everything was gone. Reverse Falls, the kliff and Will. Dipper let out a soft squeak as he stumbled forward, instantly caught from behind by Bills strong arms.
"Welcome home Pinetree~"
Bill seemed in his usual great mood, but Dipper wasn't in the mood to celebrate. His best friend was gone now and who could know how long it would last until they could see themselves again...

But for now, he needed to stay strong and face the szenery in front of him, which luckily was the mystery shack.
"B-Bill... y-you better follow a bit later... G-grunkle Ford would kill you instantly if you show up now..."
Bill only nodded and watched his Pinetree entering the wooden house. As soon as the door closed, Bill started to laugh. Loud and devilish. God, he felt so good! So... so powerful!
"I've got my powers back...!! Ahaha, get ready meatsacks!! The bad bad demon's gonna rock your world now!"
The insane smirk on his face spoke more than a thousand words. He was Bill Cipher after all!

"I am allmighty... and soon humanity will get to know this!"
An evil chuckle crawled out between his lips and the demon glared insanely at the mystery shack, before he dissapeared with a snap of his fingers into the air.
"Let the games begin..."

Since this book soon finds an end, I thought it might be a good moment to advertise my second book~ Some of you seemed to really like my style to write, so if you want more of Billdip check out my second book "The hunt of a siren"

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