Chapter 12

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The two chatted for quite some time, until suddenly a loud growl interrupted their conversation. Wills expression turned so priceless Dipper bursted out laughing while one of his hands rested on his own stomach, the source of the grumble.
"O-oh Will...! Your face! Priceless!"
Will flushed an adorable red and crossed his arms in a pouting manner.
"S-shut up. I-I was just surprised."

But then, he sighed and his gaze wandered over to the boys' stomach.
"Seems you're hungry... But... Dip, there's something I need to tell you... I can't use my powers."
Instantly Dippers expression turned into a frown, but before he could open his mouth the demon continued.
"Y-you see... The Gleeful twins can sense paranormal activities. It's a wonder they didn't find your Bill yet... Tho if I use my powers they'll find us. And... t-the punishment f-for running away... i-is..."

Wills face grew as pale as snow and the poor bluenette trembled hardly in terrify. Dipper only nodded with a serious gaze. Will didn't have to finish to let him know this was the last thing he wanted to happen.
Dipper broke this uncomfortable silence again.
"How to get onto something to eat?"
Will relaxed himself once again and tilted his head.
"Grocery shopping of course. But without money... A-ah! Idea! I have some old friends in town in the mystery shack. The Southeasts are really nice... W-we could ask Pacifica to help."

The boy jawdropped and stared at the demon as if he would've turned completely insane by now. Pacifica?! The Pacifica?! Northwest?!
"Hell no! Pacifica?! This ungrateful arrogant and egoistic little bitch?!"
Will inhaled sharply and looked a bit intimidated at Dippers outburst.
"D-Dipper... R-reverse Falls... O-opposite personalities... r-remember?"

Dippers expression eased again and he sighed.
"F-fine... I-it's worth a try. But only if I can join!"
"But you have to rest!"
"Will come on! My wounds are gone, only the pain is there. It's fine."
Will sighed in frustration. There was no way he could win against this Pines. So he just nodded and lifted Dipper up in bridal style, which the brunette didn't mind at all. He couldn't walk anyway and Will could lift a house if he wanted to.

Paying attention to not get caught by anybody, these two sneaked through the forrest in attempt to find the mystery shack. Despite him being in another dimension, Dipper knew the way clearly.
At the door, Will hesitated at first.
"Dip, you look like Tyrone... W-what if they kick you out again?"
Dipper let out a soft huff.
"Gotta show myself from my best side then."
So instead of Will, Dipper knocked at the door and in a matter of seconds Preston Southeast opened.

"Welcome in a world full of mysteries and- G-Gleeful?! Out of my house! Pacifica, bring the broom!"
Will gasped and turned pale, hugging Dipper only tighter.
"Mister Southeast! I-it's me! Will! A-and this isn't Tyrone! P-please, let us explain..."
Dipper, still complete surprised, showed a shy smile.
"I-I'm sorry we startled you, sir... May we please come inside? We have nowhere else to go..."

Preston furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, but he was right. This was never Tyrone Gleeful, never would Tyrone apologize like that with this gestic. Or apologize at all. With a mere nod into the direction of the kitchen he stepped aside, letting these two pass.
Right at this second Pacifica stormed around a corner with a broom.
"Dad I got it! Why- Gleeful!! Give us Will back!!"
Will sighed and first just carries the boy into the kitchen to sit him down while the two Southeasts followed. Then he turned to the task of explaining their current situation.

As Will mentioned Bill who was searching for Dipper Pacifica froze.
"Wait wait wait... So... You are this boy?!"
Will stopped instantly and all eyes turned to Dipper. He shifted a little uncomfortable and shrugged weakly.
"Kind of... Bill belongs to me. Well, at least into my dimension... And now I'm trying to get back."
Pacifica stared a while at him, then sighed.
"That Bill demon lives here. Duh, he said he lives here... else he would shoot us up into a firework or something like that. Quite some rude guy."

Will smiled sheepishly.
"W-well... H-he is my opposite. L-like Tyrone is Dippers opposite..."
Preston whistled quietly through his teeth.
"Now that's sonething. And how are we in your world?"
At this question Dipper froze and gulped nervously. But then, he inhaled sharply.
"With all respect... You two are spoiled egoistic arrogant brats. And you are rich... The Pines family owns the mystery shack, that's my sister and me and our two grunkles Stan and Ford."

Pacifica suddenly started to giggle what left Dipper in confusion.
"Gosh, glad we're not like them. Right dad?"
"Exactly. So you two, I hear your stomaches growling since quite some time. So how about breakfast?"
The boys exhaled relieved and nodded, but Wills face lighted up.
"To that... We ran away. So we have shelter, but no food... and I can't use my magic since the twins would catch us then."

Preston understood what the demon wanted to ask and grinned.
"You can get every evening your supplies from us until you two found something safe."

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