Chapter 21

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Bill, in his human form, twirled his cane victoriously in his left hand. In his right hand was, without any doubt, the riff.
He flinched slightly but laughed as the whole crew barged inside.
"Who do we have here?! Shooting Star, Fez, Sixter, Questionmark, Icebag... and Pinetree~"
The group spread over half of the room, glaring holes into the demon.
"My oh my, isn't this your lucky day?!"
His voice sounded so metallic again.
"You'll be the ones in the first line to see how I take over the world!"

Everyone looked so angry and dangerous, well, everyone but Dipper. He looked desperate and sad at the demon.
Bill laughed once again and raised the riff above his head in order to smash it onto the ground, glaring every single person into their eyes. Oh, how much he loved the feeling of victory.
But as his eyes met Dippers, the demons grin froze shortly and he shook his head as if to get rid of it.
"A-anyway. Today is the beginning of a new era!"
He wanted to throw the riff down to his feet. But he couldn't. Something was holding him back. Bill couldn't do it. His stomach felt sick and his heart ached, his whole body felt so heavy.

"G-god what is this?! I need to do this!!"
The family watched in pure confusion, but Dipper knew what was wrong.
"Bill... Bill l-look at me."
Bill clenched his teeth and tried again and again to destroy the riff, but he just couldn't. His hand was glued to its place above his head.
"DaMn It!!! WhY ThE FuCk?! WhY?!"
His pained gaze fell onto Dipper who showed a weak smile.
"Bill... Please calm down..."
Slowly, step by step, Dipper came closer to the raging demon. Stan and Ford both turned pale as they saw Dipper approaching the demon.
"Kid are you insane?!"
"Dipper get back here!!"
Dipper didn't listen. Finally closing in to the demon, he gently wrapped his arms around Bills neck and pulled him close into a tight hug.

The demon froze instantly and his eye, which was blood red by now, slowly began to turn normal again.
"Bill stop it... You can't destroy the riff. I know what's wrong... You... Your heart hurts and the stomach feels sick?"
The human gave a chuckle while Bill growled darkly, not at all amused by this.
"It's guilt, Bill. You feel guilty. You feel guilty because if you destroy the riff, you will hurt the person you love. And that is me. Your body doesn't want this."

This was the point where not only Bill jawdropped but the whole Pines family as well. Bill and the feeling of guilt?!
"The question is..."
Dipper parted slightly to lay his forehead onto the one of the demon, fixing his eye.
"...does you mind too?"
Bill seemed speechless for a while but finally, slowly closed his mouth and sunk his hand with the riff down. He closed his eye and tears started to drop out of it.
"N-no... N-no I don't want to hurt you... Pinetree, p-please forgive me..."
Dipper nodded in satisfy and gently took the riff out of the demons hand, only to set it down on a table next to them.

That was all Bill needed to respond the hug tightly, burrying his crying face into the humans shoulder. Not even the sudden thud of Soos passing out and landing on the ground could disturb them. Ford slowly closed his mouth as well.
"I-I can't believe it... H-he... h-he just gave up a... a whole universe to rule... for Dipper..."
Mabel grinned brightly at Ford and hugged him tightly, giggling.
"Aw come on gruncle Ford! They are in love!"
Ford still couldn't believe it, even when the proof was hugging right in front of his eyes.

Suddenly, Bill gave a weak chuckle what let the brunette look at him in a questioning way. Bill took a step back and a mysterious grin covered his face. Stan, Ford and Wendy were instantly alarmed, but the demon didn't care.
"You know, Pinetree... I actually never held you a real proposal."
Dipper stared in confusion at him, only for Bill to lower himself onto one knee. With a snap of his fingers a beautiful yellow rose was in his hands.
"Will you, Dipper Pines, accept my proposal and become my boyfriend?"
Oh innocent Dipper, once realization hit him he blushed dark red. Mabel hi her face in Fords sweater to muffle her squealing and Wendy leaned grinning against the wall.

"Y-yes Bill, of course!"
Dipper laughed happily and fell the demon around his neck, taking the beautiful yellow rose. But Bill hat other plans than a plain hug, he got up and pulled Dipper into a deep possessive kiss.
If it wasn't for the sudden flash of a camera Dipper probably would have forgotten the others watched them. With an angry expression he turned to a grinning Mabel, but kept quiet.

Stan sighed but waved them off.
"Fine, whatever. But break his heart Cipher and I'll break you."
"Got it got it~"
Wendy and Mabel just gave thumbs up, Soos was unconcious and Ford... Well, he was Ford.
"Dipper, you... you know I can't trust this so easily and especially not Bill after all what he did to me."
Dipper squeezed Bills hand tighter and a soft whimper escaped his throat.
"Gruncle Ford,-"
"Let me finish. I can't and won't trust him. But he seems serious in loving you... and to that he just gave up a whole universe for you. So... I guess I can accept him. But no foul tricks Cipher or I will blast your triangle form back into the cage!"

Dipper started to grin widely and laughed once again in pure joy, rushing to tacklehug now his gruncle Ford who chuckled weakly as well and stroked the boys back. Bill sighed playful dissapointed.
"No pranks and no foul tricks? What a pity..."
"Haha, but I guess not even a whole universe could be more important than Pinetree."
Bill laughed into the face of his slightly annoyed boyfriend. He finally found out what he wanted. Not a throne... not a kingdom... not peasants to serve him... not even to scare humans.
All he wanted was his Pinetree. And for him he would even get stuck between the worlds.

[The End]

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