Chapter 14

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This went a few days. Dipper was resting at day and invading dreams at night. He chatted with Will the whole day and the demon made sure to entertain Dipper with stories about himself and jokes about practical everything. Mostly it ended with Dipper and Will rolling around on the ground, laughing tears.
But there was one person Dipper couldn't get out of his mind. He heard nothing of Bill all these days, it has been almost a week since the incident with the demon just dissapearing.

He already asked Pacifica about it, but she just smiled in a sad way, patted his shoulder and kept on saying he didn't return back to the mystery shack.
Dipper began to loose his hope of getting back to his own dimension. He didn't want Will to use his powers, so Bill was his only escape.

With a sigh he stared onto the small path he was walking. Will smiled a little helpless, he tried so often to cheer Dipper up about it, but he was in loss of ideas now.
Currently they were heading to the mystery shack to get new supplies. Preston was like a second uncle to Dipper, he treated him like his own flesh and blood while Pacifica grew to be one of his friends in these few days.
So even if he was doomed to stay in Reverse Falls... These three would make it easier for him.

Will signalized Dipper with a quiet whistle that the mystery shack sneaked into his view. Dipper looked up and gulped nervously, looking around if the area was clean. Indeed, it was, so the two boys barged through the porch and front door, startling Gideon hardly who just was about to open it.
"Sorry Gideon!"
Dipper grinned sheepishly and earned a small but happy smile of the smaller one.
"It's fine..."

While Will went into the kitchen as usual, Dipper slowly took the stairs to the upper floor. He always did this. Dipper had the small hope to see Bill again, everytime he peeked into his room, but always got dissapointed.
Again he felt the nervous tingling in his stomach as he neared himself Bills room.

Awaiting to see it empty as always, he peeked through the keyhole. Dipper felt his cheeks flame up into a blood red as through the small keyhole, he saw his Bill, shirtless and only with his pants on.
His mouth agape, he couldn't help himself than to notice his tanned skin and muscular body structure. The demon was the definition of hot.

But as soon as he managed to rip himself away from the absolute fantastic view, he kicked the door open with his foot, resulting the demon to spin around with a small startled 'eep'.
Not giving him any time to react Dipper rushed forward and grabbed Bills wrists, shoving him against the wall with his hands pinned left and right next to his head.

The demon took a short gasp as he felt his naked back hitting the wooden wall before he blinked in pure surprise down onto his Pinetree.
Dipper stared furiously at him, making sure to have Bill pinned shut between the wall and himself to leave him no way to escape.
Finally, Bills surprised expression changed and his lips curled up into a teasing smirk.
"My my, so forward is my Pinetree~"
"I'm gonna kill you asshole!!"

Bill left himself the amusement and stayed put in Dippers grip, not making a move to free himself or to try teleporting himself away.
Dippers lower lip started to tremble and the boy bit it harshly, obviously to not break into tears.
"How could you do that?!?! How could you just dissapear?! You fucked up demon, I was worried!!!"
Bills smirk froze and he looked a bit stunned. His Pinetree was worried? Worry started to spread over his face, fortunal Dipper lowered his gaze so he wasn't able to see it.

"I-I thought you would leave me!! I need you Bill, doesn't that get into your stupid brain?! I love you!! There! I said it again! A-and what are you doing?! L-leaving me to worry about practical everything, while doing else shit!"
Dipper took a sharp breath and Bill could see tears running down Dippers cheeks. Small sobs escaped the boys mouth and his breathing became shaky. Bill was speechless for quite some time, but before he could say anything Dipper took his silence to continue talking.

"B-Bill Cipher, I don't care whatever you want to bomb up or if you want to murder me in some cruel way, I-I just want to be with you got it?! I-I don't even care when you shoot lasers at me or torture me in some hell knows which way, just don't leave me anymore! I-I know you probably don't even have enough feelings to feel the same way as I do, b-but you can get hurt other than other demons! S-so please, please Bill, a-at least try to imagine what love is, becau-"
Dipper didn't come any further. Bill silenced him. He was bending his head down until he leaned forward, capturing Dippers lips with his own to silence the boy.

Dipper stared at Bill, wide eyed. He could barely progress what just happened. His rival was kissing him.
Soon Dipper melted into Bills soft lips and kissed back, their breaths embracing each other.
Bill made sure to part before it could get further and smirked down at the blushing flattered mess in front of him.
"You are talking to much Pinetree."

Here is your author again!! I just wanna hear some opinions for the next chapter. The question is:
Do you want some smut in the next one? Or not more than this?
I wish to know what you would like to make sure you still like the story~ Sooooo... Answers into the comments please!

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