Night Terrors

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March 23 : Robin's Birthday

         The Titans are all at the main ops room except for Robin. Robin was in his room sleeping.
         "Dude is Rob awake yet ?" A green skinned , 16 year old with dark green hair and toothy teeth boy asked.
         "I fear not friend Beastboy and it is almost the getting late , Robin does not do the getting up late" An orange tan skinned girl with red flowing hair and green eyes (no whites) at an age about 17 years and a half answered her friend.
         "Yeah Spiky Head doesn't get up this late , he usually gets up early than us" A half metal/ half man said.
         "Yeah , Starfire and Cyborg are right Robin doesn't wake up this late ,we should go check him" A raven haired girl with pale(ish) skin , purple eyes and about at her early 16 said.
          " Oh yes friend Raven we must go do the checking on him" Starfire said getting a head start to Robin's room while the others followed behind her.
         But little did they know that today is Robin's Birthday and and next week is April 1st , not to celebrate April Fool's but something else .
         The Titans are halfway through the hallway to Robin's room but then heard a Spine-tinggling Scream.
         "AAAHHHHH" It was heard at Robin's room . As the Titans heard the scream they quickly ran to Robin's room.
         "Robin !!!" Starfire being worried , hurried to Robin's Room. But the door is locked.

Steel City

         The Titans East are all at thier usual lounging place the mains ops room. Everyone was there except for Speedy. Kid Flash is eating his breakfast really fast because he is in a hurry (A/N I made KF A Titan East member , I gave him a promotion;) )  ,Bumblebee is also eating breakfast while Mas y Menos and Aqualad are  playing video games , and Jinx is doing her nails (A/N and yes I added Jinx too, I ship Flinx) .
          "KF slow down , you might choke yourself or something" An African American girl with bee wings and have a drink brown hair tied into 2 buns complained to the red head speedster.
          "Can't do BEE if that's even your real name , hmm" Kid Flash said not even bothering to look at Bumblebee "I'm on a hurry , somebody needs me at Jump , gotta go fast" Kid Flash finally finishing his meal "And where's Speedy we need to go" KF not even realizing that the others are listening.
           "What does Speedy have to do with this?" A Pinked haired girl tied into two pointy horns with a pale skin and pink cat like eyes asked.
           "Yeah , who you helping with Walls? " A Black haired boy with Brady eyes asked .
           " You know what I mean Garth , now , Where is Speedy ? We gotta hurry Rob needs us " Kid Flash asking again while glaring at Aqualad.
           "What? Robin ? But you guys barely even met, why would he need you? , He can handle himself !!!" Bumblebee said .
           "Not now Bumbles we gotta go , Speedy where you at ?!?" Kid Flash housing loudly
           "KF !!! Where are you ?! Gotta go now !!!" A red haired boy with a mask finally showing up .
           Kid Flash quickly grabbed him bridal style and said a quick goodbye and speed outside the TE tower.

Jump city

           The door was locked ,the Titans are worried even more and more screams are being heard by the minute.
           "Dude just open the door !!!" Cyborg was now shouting and losing his temper.
           "I told you it's stuck !!" Beastboy said while typing something on the door.
           "Nuuuuu!!!!" Robin's screams were heard again but this one is louder than the others.
           Starfire lost her patients and just eye blasted the door down with her powers, the door had some smoke in it because it was blasted by Starfire.
           The Titans quickly went into Robin's room then suddenly stopped when they saw him. He was thrashing on his bed and saying some words that the others cannot understand. He has no mask on and he is still wearing a blue tee shirt and dark blue pajamas , his hair is messy and not spiked. There were tears running down his face.
           "Nuuu!! Mama !Tata! nu poti muri !!! Vā rugām, nu mor ! Mama , Tata ! Astāzi , trebuia sa fie o zi fericita ! Vā rugām sā fie bine !! Vā rog !!! Nu!!" Robin was shouting a different language. (Nooo!! Mother ! Father ! You can not die ! Please do not die ! Mom ! Papa! Today was supposed to be a happy day! Please be fine ! Please ! No!)

           "What's he saying ?" Beastboy asking his teammates.
           "I don't know " Raven said unsure on what language it is.
           "Nu! Mā lāsa singur ! Nu trebuia sa see termine asa ! Nu vreau sā fiu singur! Vā rog , nu ! Te iubesc , mama si tata ! Nu poti pleca !" Robin screamed some more. (Do not leave me alone ! It wasn't supposed to end like this ! I do not want to be alone! Please do not leave ! I Love you , Mom and Dad ! You can not leave !)

           "What do we do ?" Starfire asked being worried , she's both worried at her friend and worried that she and her friends don't know what to do.
           "Umm... Uh.. Raven ! Go inside his mind and wake him up !" Beastboy said finally having an idea.
           "Right !!" Raven said before going inside Robin's head .
            Raven went into a angel sit position and floated a few inches of the ground and chanted "Azarath Metrion Zinthos" and a black raven like shadow went in and flew to Robin's mind . Instead of waking him up, she only saw crimson red blood and police men dragging the person away from something , she can't see anything clearly except for the blood but then Robin's mind kicked her out which launched the shadow out back to Raven, bringing back her consciousness .
             "GAH!!" Raven let out a big gasp and her eyes were both shocked and for some weird reason she felt scared .
             "Raven ! What happened ?! Why is he not awake ?! What happened?" Cyborg asking Raven
             "I- I don't know ..." Her hands began to shake "... The only thing that happens is that I saw something else..."
             "Well, what did you see!?!" Beastboy asking impatiently.

" Blood and ... And ..."
"What is it friend Raven?"
"What! how could tha-"
              Beastboy was cutted out by Kid Flash carrying Speedy.
              "What are you guys doing here?" Cyborg asked surprised.
              "Where here for Robin" Kid Flash said while Speedy is running towards Robin.

"What? Why?"Cyborg asked
"No time to explain"Speedy answered

            "Can somebody help me with his limbs each of you grab one" Speedy ordered .
            "Dude what ? We need answers" Beastboy said still asking.
            "Do you want him to get better or not ?" Speedy said in a intimidating voice .
            "Man, I don't know what you-" Cyborg has been shut up by Kid Flash.
            "Do you want him to get better ? Or do you want him to be traumatized more ?" Kid Flash said in a harsh voice. When he said that quickly everyone grabbed one of his limbs . Starfire and Raven on his legs , Cyborg and Beastboy both on his arms.
            "What now ?" Beastboy asked
            " Umm... Uh" Kid Flash thinking still and do not know what to do.
            "You haven't planned it all out did ya? " Beastboy saying with a our sigh.
            "Shut up Green stain I know what I'm doing" As Kid Flash walked to Robin and Raised up his hand and ... *SLAP*
            "GAH!!!" Robin letting out a loud gasp as he woke up from his Night Terror . Icy blue eyes were shown , his eyes looked scared and traumatized. "Wha-what's happening ? " Robin looked to his Teammates who looked shocked then he looked to Kid Flash and Speedy "KF!? Speedy!? , What's going on ??" Now Robin was scared.


OMG!!! Wow I never knew this could be so fun !!! Hehe you guys saw what I did ? Yup ! Cliffhanger !
Please do enjoy the story !!!
If you want more please tell me , thanks !!!

With lots of love


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