Baby Birds

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5:00 pm at the Titans Tower

The tower was quiet for a while until the crime alert had been activated. No one responded. It took minutes then hours. Still no response.

Like a baby bird who had fallen off his nest and has been chirping for a long time. Chirping to find his mother, chirping for help. But no one responded to the baby bird's alarm.

The alarm had been finding someone to respond to. Until someone did. The Titans East went in the tower.

Wally was the one running in first. "Guys? Rob?!" He called for his friend. No answer.

Bumblebee ran to the computer. "Hmm... That's odd there's a new villain in Jump" putting her hand under her chin.

"Really? That's it? Of course it's odd! No one's in here !" Kid Flash shouted. He kept running around in circles trying to find his friend. He searched everywhere especially the vents.

"Well we better go and stop the villain then find the Titans" Bumblebee said.

"Great now you sound like Rob" Speedy said walking in.

"Are we going to stop him or not ?!" Bumblebee said it more like a demand.

"Alright" Aqualad said.

Everyone went out the tower as fast as they could. They went to the most dangerous part of Jump city. When they went there, there were screams and a sound of a bottle being smashed to pieces.

"We better go on higher ground. The roofs maybe" Kid Flash said in a shaky breath. Just like Gotham. He thought.

"Yeah" Speedy agreed. Everyone looked at them "trust me, you don't want to be down here" he said as he got up onto a building.

Everyone followed him. When they got to the roof they saw the streets full of gangs and thieves. Aqualad tried to jump off but Kid Flash stopped him.

"No, don't want to be in a fight with them. Good thing their aren't our villain" Kid Flash said to Aqualad. He nodded in response.

Shouts, screams were heard. Then it started to rain. "Great" Jinx said sarcastically. They went roof to roof.

Until they have reached their destination. It's a dark alleyway. They all went down silently to not startle the villain.

Everything seemed quiet until a gunshot was heard and something hit the floor. Then a cackle. "Night, night, sleep tight" A sing song voice said. Then another cackle.

The voice was familiar to the Titans East. The first thing that came to their minds was Robin/Dick. But it couldn't be him. They thought.

But then it hit them. This was murder. Somebody killed somebody. A gunshot then a thud. Somebody is dead at this very moment.

"Who are you?!" Bumblebee shouted at the murderer.

"Si!" Mas y Menos said at the same time.

A cackle then he spoke "My, my, I don't remember calling company" he spoke at a playful voice.

"I said who are you !?" Bumblebee repeated but in a more harsh tone.

"Rob?" Kid Flash finally spoke up. He hoped not that it's not him. He thought.

The villain went to the light. A boy with black hair, in a black suit and has red eyes. "Rob? That's not me, but... I think your little friend is gone isn't he?" He leaned to the team.

"H-how did you -" Roy was cutted off as the villain held his throat then squeezed it. He raised him up the air. Roy's vision became blurry as his blood went up to his brain.

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