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3 hours later...

          All the Titans are all at the main ops room , sitting down on the large , black sofa and not even bothering to look at each other , the awkward silence had increased every minute they avoid each other's faces . Until someone broke the silence ... Robin .
          This time Robin is now wearing his uniform and his mask "Hey" he said awkwardly .
          "Hey" Beastboy said still not looking at him . He was both confused and mad , he was mad because he wasn't the first one to know the color of Robin's eyes , why? Because he wants to blackmail him (duh).
          "Look I'm sorry , I didn't mean it , I was just ..."Robin stopped for a few minutes then the Titans looked at him "... scared"
          'Scared? Thier almighty fearless leader , scared ? How would that happen , nothing ever scared him , but this is different , he is scared that they saw him having a nightmare ? There are more horrible things that happened to him but those didn't scare him , THIS scared him !' that's what everybody is thinking right now in the room , Robin just waited for a response for his team.
          "Dude , your kidding right ?" Cyborg said in a shocked face and a 'are-you-serious-?' look .
          "N-No ..." Everybody's jaw dropped except for Raven . After a few moments of silence Kid Flash and Speedy came in. Then everybody looked at them then at Robin back and forth.
          "Told them that you were scared , huh , great job for being honest !" Kid Flash said giving two thumbs up *coughSarcasmcough* and giving a wide smile .
          "Shut up , Kid Idiot , I know what I'm doing" Robin   said giving him a glare.
          "Alright can somebody please tell me what's going on " Beastboy said waiting impatiently.
          "Alright , 1 they call me dude because we're best friends ever since I was like eight , 2 my eyes are blue because they're blue ..." Kid Flash mumbled 'I think I'm not the only stupid person here' but it was too loud for everyone to hear it " and 3 I don't wear a mask when I sleep because when I wake up the mask would have wrinkles in it, it's uncomfortable" Robin finished Beastboy's answers.
          "Thanks !! That's all I need ..." Beastboy said finally happy that his questions are now answered. Everybody's faces were like 'What?' .
          "Ok , nevermind that now please explain on what's happening to you back there?" Raven said pointing outside the door to the hallway.
          "*Sigh* I knew that you guys are going to ask that..." Robin said taking his time but then someone grabbed his shoulder.
          "You don't have to this if you don't want to" Kid Flash said in a really anxious face.
          "Yeah you don't have to" Speedy said coming from behind Robin's back to Kid Flash.
          "It's fine guys , and I want to , It's bound to happen sooner or later" Robin said giving his friend's a reassuring smile. "Ok I will tell you in a story" Robin took a deep breath " It all started at the Circus..."


Rob's P.O.V.

          I hear carnival music playing to my ears , the smell of popcorn in the air, the sounds of excited families . I was in a tent near the big top.
          "Mamā , nu pot sā astept pentru seara asta! Primul nostru act împreunā ! Vā multumesc , mama si tata! " I said happily . (Mom , I can not wait for tonight ! Our first act together ! Thank you Mom and Dad !)
          My mom strokes my hair lovingly . "I can not wait too my little Robin. And happy April Fool's !!" My mom plays with my hair to become messy and I laugh happily.
          "Vā multimim mama ! " I said jumping up and down , April Fool's is my most favorite event ever !! Well it's better than my Birthday ,yes, I can get lots of presents ! But I like April Fool's better because you can prank anybody and they can't get mad at you.
          My dad laughs " try to use English son" he said happily looking at me .

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