Let's play

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Video by: Sleepykinq

Hey guys I would like to thank you for the 300 reads and 30 votes !!

Hey guys I would like to thank you for the 300 reads and 30 votes !!

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Lol. I really want to watch it become 300 but WHERE WERE YOU ?!!

(don't take it seriously it's just a joke)

March 26 : Day 3
1 hour later...

Robin's P.O.V.

I open my eyes. I feel something weird on my eyes. Something missing. I blink more times and I regain my vision. I looked around there was me tied up to a chair with restrains on both of my wrists and ankles.

I was in a dark room then I saw my team... They're in trouble. Also tied up but they're unconscious. I looked the other way there was a mirror. I looked at the mirror and I saw that I don't have a mask on.

My blue eyes showed emotion. Panic rose and then I heard a scream. It was a high pitched scream... And then I realized who it came from "Timmy" I said then I hear footsteps.

"Nice to see you Dick" Slade... I hate him.

"Shut up ! What did you do to him?!" I yelled at him.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Temper Robin... DON'T want to make them get hurt more" He said as he pressed a remote and showed my brothers. They're on the floor lying down except for Jason. They were chained on thier necks, stomachs, wrists, and ankles.

Tears into Jason's eyes... "Let them go!" I ordered him. I can't let them suffer because of this. "Why did you do that to them !?" I asked.

"They will become my apprentice Dick" Slade Sid mused.

"No they won't!! And how'd you know who they were !?"

"When you became my apprentice Robin. While you were sleeping I removed your mask. And when you shout in Romani, I remember only one person does that... Richard John Grayson"

"You have been stalking me this whole time..." I said as I looked at him. He's sick , just like Shadow... Where is shadow.

"Where's Shadow ?" I asked.

"None of your business" He said in an angry tone.

"Why is that !?" I asked shouting.

"Na-ah Dick or I will press it and when I press this button, Electricity will come and shock them. I'm not going to kill them Dick, I'm making them suffer because of you"

I froze. If I say anything else, my brothers would get hurt. I don't want that. It's all my fault. "What are you going to do with me?" I asked sternly.

"My apprentice of course" He answered.

"I would never-" Before I could finish he pressed the button.

The three of them were hurt. "Stop please !" I said but he didn't stop. He pressed the button again "Stop !! Please !" He still didn't stop. I don't want to do this. But they're more important than me " Fine ! I'll become your apprentice!" He stopped and looked at me.

"What'd you say?" He said s he looked at me.

"I'll become your apprentice" I said as I looked down.

"No ! Dickie no! Don't do it!" Jason shouted.

Slade pressed the buttons again " Stop please !" He stopped.

"You will become my apprentice" he said.

"Dude what's happening?" Beastboy asked "I had a crazy -" he looked around. He saw my brothers "no" he said again. He looked at the Titans then me "no". Tears began to fall through his eyes. "NO! This gotro be a dream"

"It's real. Later you will be executed" he said as he pointed to Starfire. Then he left.

"Robin what is executed?" She asked. She's shivering and she has fear in her eyes.

"You will be ..." I can't even say the words "... Killed" I gulped as tears began to fall "and it's all my fault"

Starfire looked shocked "Robin ... No it is-" I cut her off in mid-sentence.

"It is Star..." More tears came "I'm sorry"

Silence... Became darkness.

The lights turned off. It was dark.

Then a single light lit up on top of me. And Shadow came out. "Hi Dickie... How about we play a game" He said as he's red eyes glowed a little and a sickening smile formed on his face.

"I won't play your stupid game !" I shouted at him.

"Play the game Dickie or I'll press this button" he said showing it to me, mocking me.

I flinched no not again. I was about to say something but he pressed the button. My brothers weren't being hurt it was the Titans.

Screams were heard. "I'll play the game" I said as he stopped.

"Good choice Dickie... But before we start, how about a deal" he said leaning closer. "If I win You will have to execute her..." He said pointing at Starfire.

I was shaking. I am going to kill the person that really means to me the most. Starfire looked at me. She's shaking her head. "What happens if I win ?"

"You get your freedom of course" he's smile was confident and intimidating.

"Alright then ... We will start tomorrow" he said as he locked the door behind him and the restrains and chains were gone.

I quickly went to my brothers and highed them "are you okay?" I asked

"Good as ever" Tim answered.

I looked at my team then at my brothers "go... We'll stay here" Jason said as he picked up unconscious Damian.

"Thank you" I said as I went to them.

"Are you crazy? If you lose you'll have to kill her!" Raven shouted angrily.

"It's the only way that we could escape" Robin answered then Raven nodded.

I hugged Starfire like my life depended on it "We'll give you some time" Cyborg said as he went to my brothers.

When we were alone, Starfire looked at me "Robin... Will I die" she said in a soft voice "will you kill me?".
She was terrified than me.

"No I won't I promise..." I said as I hugged her tighter. She hugged me too. She cried on my shoulder. I stroked her hair to calm her down.

"Don't worry I have a plan" I said as I hugged her closer. "I love you" I said silently but not loud enough for her to hear.

I cried too and so did the others.

"Robin... Is there another way?" She asked as she pulled away and looked at me. Hope in her eyes.

"There is only one way out. And it's through this sick game" I saw her eyes break into tears and hugged me again as tight as she could. It didn't hurt because this room has an anti-power zone.

One way out... Let's make it count.

To Be Continued...

Hey guys !! Thank you for the 300 reads !!! It's amazing ! And I did say that I won't be able to update today but... I'm a troll lol.

Hehe... So Tomorrow I'm really serious I won't be able to update.

Thank you again ! And please do Vote, Comment and Follow! You don't have to if you don't want to. Thanks again and B-BYE !!!

With lots of love

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