Not feeling the Aster

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He stayed there, frozen, not making a single move. He was shocked and yet mad. He loved him. He loved him like a father.

'you keep adding my work!' words repeated again and again to his mind. Tears fell down. He couldn't bare it. He hated it.

He wanted to scream at him, he wanted to show him, he wanted it all to go away. But he can't. He sat down at his bed. Thinking.

The pain on the left side of his shoulder didn't bother him. He wondered why he would fire him. He had worse.

He had been cutted, he had scars and he had been beaten up alot of times and yet he's still alive, keep pushing himself.

But he can't do that anymore. There's nothing else to do. What would he tell Wally? Roy? The team?. Nobody would even care. He thought.

But Wally is like a brother to him. And Roy too. The team is like his family. His 3rd family. He already lost his 1st, he wouldn't want to lose the team.

And yet he still felt lost. His anger conquered everything inside him. His blood boiled. "Fine ! If I keep adding his work, let's lessen it shall we !" He started to talk to himself.

He opened up his drawer and took out a backpack. "Let's make life easier for him" he said to himself. He took out some of his Civies.

He wore a a black hoodie and a red shirt with his black jeans. He carried his backpack and went downstairs at the living room.

The lights were off there but the way to the kitchen were lit up. He heard two voices talking to each other, he figured it was Alfred, because of the British accent.

"Master Bruce, are you sure that firing master Dick seems necessary?" Alfred asked as Dick listened to the conversation.

"Of course it is Alfred ! He got shot ! The bullet was close to his heart, just inches away" Bruce said leaving the room and went into another as Dick hid.

"Alright Master Bruce, but-" Bruce stopped walking and turned around. Dick hid behind a sofa. He almost got caught.

"Yes Alfred?"

"Where are you going?"

Bruce took a deep breath. "Going to find Joker" and with that he left. And so did Alfred. Dick had his chance and take off.

He would take his stuff and his uniform then take off.
That was his plan. The only thing he needed to do is wait for at least 5 minutes.

He waited until the time was up. He sneakily walked to the room where Bruce went. There was a piano and a chair.

He went to the piano and played a tune. A secret door opened then he entered it. There was a pole leading down to what seemed to be a dark pit.

He jumped down and landed safely. He looked around the cave. No one in there. He walked inside and took his advantage.

He ran quickly to the equipment room, he took some bat-a-rangs, smoke bombs, electric pellets, electric disks and some other things.

He got out and went to a case that was locked. He hacked it. He got his uniform and then took off with his R-cycle.

He got out of the Manor and rode it at full speed. He got out of Gotham City and stopped the R-cycle. "Last stop Gotham City. Next up... Jump City"


They all fell asleep so did Robin. He was tired and fustrated. Everyone was. They all fell asleep quietly.
Everything was quiet until someone or some people were heard screaming.

A hole at the ceiling appeared. And someone screamed, "AHHHHH!" A familiar voice.

"Bee ! Fly !"

"I can't !"

"Why not !?"

"I just can't Aqualad !"

Robin stood up quickly and so did the others. "Um... Uh... Somebody catch them!" Beastboy said then everyone looked at Raven.

She didn't want to waste time "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" She said as she raised her hands but it didn't work.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" She tried again but it still didn't work. "My powers their gone !" She shouted.

Nothing helped. So the Titans East fell down on the floor making a pile. Mas and Menos were on top, below them were Aqualad, then below him was Bumblebee, then below her was Jinx, then Roy , and on the bottom was Kid Flash.

"Will you guys get off me !!!" Bumblebee said shouting to them.

"Well I can't !" Aqualad retorted back at Bumblebee.

"Solo espera!" Mas and Menos shouted at her. (Just wait!)

"You guys are heavy !" Jinx said trying to breath some air.

They kept fighting until one of them shouted. "Will you guys quit it ? Just get off then everything is better ok ?" Robin said.

"Oh now you're helping ?" Cyborg complained.

Robin seemed offended and hurt but he shrugged and pushed it away.

They all gone quiet and did what Robin said. "So... How'd you guys got here ?" Aqualad asked.

"Shadow kidnapped us" Raven answered.

"That dude that looks like you Rob !" Wally said

"Ya so?"

"Why is that ?"



"C'mon we gotta find a way out" said Speedy trying to break the silence.

"Tried that" Beastboy said.

"But then how do we escape ?" Asked Bumblebee.

"We play this games, 3 games to be exact. We've finished the last 2 games. Today's the last game" Robin answered.

"We've? More like us ! You've done nothing !" Cyborg shouted.

"Look Cy... I have been thinking and making multiple plans that would depend on the consequences that would happen ! Ok?! You've seen Shadow! He's a tricky guy! He could make multiple twists and make simple things into major things!" Robin explained.

Cyborg became quiet and didn't made eye contact. He stood quiet, thanking on what he could use to protest.

Nothing, he didn't think of anything, he stood quiet. Robin leaned to a corner while the others huddled to a group, talking.

Robin murmured curses under his breath. He looked down and took a deep breath. Kid Flash went at his side.

"Feeling the aster?" He asked.

"Not now Wally" Answered Robin.

"Sorry, but what was that all about ?"

"We...we had a an argument, well more like he's the one shouting and I said nothing"

Wally kept quiet and said nothing. Until someone else came over. "So feeling traught?" Asked Roy.

Robin gave a loud sigh and said nothing. "More like distraught" said Wally.

"Oh -" Robin was cutted off.

Someone appeared, Shadow. "So ready for our last and final game !?" He said with enthusiasm.

To Be Continued...

K... That's done. Finally. Got lazy because it's Sunday... Lol. Thanks alot tho guys !! For the 850 + reads !!! I appreciate it!

Promise that next chapter will be more interesting. This one I didn't like much. Got lazy. 😑😑😑 Hate it.

Please do Vote ,Comment and Follow. Thanks tho guys ! It is a suggestion, don't do it if you don't want to.


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