The truth behind the boy

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March 28 : Day 5

"Ready for another game ?"

"Damn right I am" Robin answered... Annoyed

"Easy now boy"Shadow said growling, Robin growled back.

"What did we even do to you ?!" Robin shouted at him "Why are you doing this to us even though we did nothing to you !"

"... I don't know" Shadow answered Robin clueless.

"What do you mean you don't know ?" Shadow didn't answer for a few seconds. It felt like an eternity to Robin.

"... I don't know either" Shadow answered.

Robin stood quiet, shocked. Then he remembered that Shadow was being controlled by Slade. "You do know that Slade is controlling you?" I asked.

"Yes..." Shadow answered.

"Then why not stop him ? Why not be free? Like I once did. Fight back. Why not do it?" Robin asked multiple questions.

"... I ... I ... Can't ..." Shadow stood there looking down at his feet.

"What do you mean you can't ?" Robin asked.

"I mean... I can... But I won't ... Because ... I am Dick's shadow. There is a reason why my name is Shadow" He looked at Robin "I really want freedom... But ... If I run away... Shadow would be gone. Only weak and helpless Dick" he said glaring at Robin.

"You're doing this on purpose" Robin said glaring back. Shadow fell to the ground shaking. He closed his eyes shut and made a loud grunt. Shadow bended his knees to his chest and hugged them. He made an even louder grunt.

Suddenly he stopped. He wasn't moving. He stopped breathing "Shadow ?" Robin went closer to him. Then Shadow breathed in surprise. His eyes were blue. But something changed , something behind him appeared something. It was a shadow.

"Wha-what's happening?" Shadow asked.

"Wait..." Robin remembered something.


"... I ... I ... Can't ..." Shadow stood there looking down at his feet.

No shadow

We split up and hid behind a tree. We spotted Slade talking to somebody... He looks at lot like me.

"Dude! Is that you?!" Beastboy said whisper yelling.

"Shh! No shut up!" I said as I got to the top of the tree. I jumped to another and stopped. I listened to thier conversation.

"Yes master. I will do what you told me" a young boy said at about at the same age as me.

"Good. Do what you were told Shadow" I hear Slade .

No shadow

"It is Star..." More tears came "I'm sorry"

Silence... Became darkness.

The lights turned off. It was dark.

Then a single light lit up on top of me. And Shadow came out. "Hi Dickie... How about we play a game" He said as he's red eyes glowed a little and a sickening smile formed on his face.

No shadow

End of Flashback-----

The shadow ! It's Shadow the whole time ! Robin thought. "Your shadow !"

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