All swell ends well

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Hey Guys !!!! Nice for you to continue reading the story !! I am so thankful that your reading this !!!
Alright enough with the lovey wovey stuff and let's get on the story !!

          "I said ... What is happening !?!" Robin was now getting nervous Everytime when his team won't answer him . "KF , Speedy , please tell me" this time Robin looked pathetic even though he tries not to.
          "You had another Night Terror" Speedy finally answered​ his question .
          "Dude , I'm sorry , look it's not your fault" Kid Flash comforting his best friend.
          "What is going on ? Why you calling him dude even you guys barely even met ?! Why is his eyes blue ?! And you don't sleep with a mask ? And ho- "
Beastboy started asking questions , but somebody cutted his sentence.
         "Why are you guys here !?! Didn't I locked the door ..." When Robin looked at the door it was broken " ... And how the heck did that friggin' happen !?! ..." Robin's hands are now pulling his hair " ... Wait , what did you see ? " Robin was now from fuming to pure anxiousness .
          "You were screaming random words , crying, thrashing everything and sweating " Cyborg said while doing a gesture on his fingers .
          "Friend Robin what is wrong " Starfire said worrying .
          "Robin if you need hel-" Raven was cutted off
          " Please ... Please leave I need some time to think this through" Robin trying to think something useful.

"But Robin we wish to-"
"Just get out please"
"No we are not getting out unless you tell-"
"I said ... Get Out !!"
"Robin ... We will help you"
"No ! Just please Leave !! I don't need your pity"
"We are not pittying you , we-"
"Please leave ... Just leave" Tears coming down
"Dude Rob just tell us what's happe-"
"OUT !!! GET OUT !!!" Robin said pushing them out of the door and closing it.(A/N I made the doors like when thier broken they would fix themselves automatically)

          Everyone was outside Robin's room except for Speedy and Kid Flash . KF was sitting at Robin's bed waiting for him to calm down before sitting down , it took a few minutes more like an hour then he sat down.
          Robin was sitting beside Kid Flash and Speedy sat next to him . "I shouldn't have shouted at them" Robin said regretting what he did ." I messed up" he was looking down now "they were only trying to help me *sob* ... And I shouted at them instead ... I messed up "
          "Look you weren't yourself , you were anxious and traumatized by another dream like that ... It's not your fault" Speedy saying to comfort his friend .
          "Why does it have to be today , of all days why now ?" Robin said complaing
          "It's not just the dream isn't it , there's something else bothering you" Kid Flash reading his friend's expression.
          "I don't wanna talk about it " Robin said looking away from Kid Flash.
          "Dick , what is it" Speedy said in a very deep voice , making Dick get off guard.
          "I-I ... It's Bruce ..."Dick said looking down "he called me..." Dick then looked at his very shocked friends.
          "Bruce !?!?! Oh oh ok , if he friggin hurt you emotionally or physically , I swear , I will kick his-" Kid Flash was standing clenching his fists and was cutted off by Dick.
          "It's not like that Wally , Jeez calm down" Robin making a 'your-so-stupid' look on Wally and in return he got a glare.
          "Then what is it?" Speedy asking with a more curios voice .
          "My brothers are coming tomorrow"Robin said having a worried face.
          "Wait what ?! Oh no they're gonna trash the whole place , how did that happen?" Wally asked nervously.
          "Well it happened yesterday about 4-5 ish in the afternoon."


          Robin was sitting on the couch on the main ops room at the Titans Tower ,the other Titans were doing something else ,Starfire was in her room with silkie, Raven is meditating in her dark and broody room and Cyborg and Beastboy are fixing the T-car . the home phone rang *ring* , nobody usually calls them at their home phone but somebody is, quickly Robin took the phone.
          "Hello? Titans Tower, Robin speaking" Robin said holding the phone by hand .

"Hello , Dick it's Bruce "
"Bats ?! Why are you calling me ? And how did you get the Titan Tower's number ?"
"Tim hacked to the Titan mainframe and Happy early Birthday Dick "
"Thanks , but you know that I'm still on a grudge on you right?"
"I know and I'm sorry , I just wanted to know if your free on Monday?"
"Monday ? But that's a day after my ... B-day"
"I'm only asking you if your free"
"Yeah , I'm free on Monday ,why ?"
"Well , I need you to babysit your brothers"
"What? Can Jason do it ? He's like 15 years old , he is old enough to watch his Timmy and Dami"
"Yes he is 15 but he's still immature"
"*Sigh* fine what time are they going to be here ?"
"Around 10:00 am " I need to go to the Watchtower around 11:00 am , Importa-"
"Yeah , yeah , yeah , I know Important Justice League business"
"Good , See you at Monday "
"Alright , bye"
"Dick wait"
"What is it?"
"I'm sorry for what I did , I was just afraid of losing someone very important to me "
"I'm sorry too , A stubborn student always blames the teacher whenever he / she does a mistake , and that student is me "
"Bye and Happy Birthday Dickie"

          After the call from Bruce , Robin was smiling almost for the entire day but then why did it only last not the entire day ? Even though that was the most great full​ thing he had in his life? Because he remembered tommorow is his birthday , the day where everything was happy is now depressing.

End of Flashback

          "Wow , I never knew that Bruce has the guts to tell you how he was sorry even after what he did" Wally said surprised.
          Robin smacked the back of Wally's head , "Your so stupid Wally , of course he has the guts to that , He . Is . Batman " Robin still doing the 'your-so-stupid' face on Wally and in response Wally rolled his eyes .
          "Excuse me , I am not stupid , I'm a Science  Geek remember ?" Wally said smirking but in Dick's response he was doing the all-famous Cackle. 
           "What? , What's so funny" Wally was now confused.
           "You *snicker* said *snicker* that ... Hahaha , wait . Haha my stomach . Haha" Dick said between laughs.
          "Just spill it boy blunder" Wally was now getting impatient.
          "Haha , ok,Yousaidthatyourthesciencegeek!!!"
Then Dick let out a loud laugh and then Roy also laughed , they both fell to the ground and clutching both of thier stomachs.
          "Hmph..." Wally said annoyed and was pouting .

To Be Continued...

Woo Wee !!!!! This was hilarious !!! For me lol
So next time is Robin's explaining to his team almost everything !!! Please do Vote , Follow and Comment on what you think about this story so far !!!

With lots of love

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