Will he make it ?

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Question first before the chapter.

Q) if you had a chance to pick a group of people or a person to go to the Future, who would it be ?

A. Young Justice team
B. Robin's parents
C. Past selves
D. Others

You can pick as many as you want.

March 29 : Day 6.

The phone rang. It rang.

We're not here right now, maybe we're at a mission, please leave a message after the tone. The Titan's phone home rang.

"Um... Master Dick, Master Wayne won't be able to pick up Master Tim, Master Damian and Master Jason, Well because he have an extension on his mission with the Justice League" Alfred's Voice was heard.

"Please do understand, I hope it won't bother you to watch for the young masters, hope you'll understand" The message ended.
Somewhere at the other world...

"Alright time to play !" Shadow shouted enthusiastically.

"Fine , let's get this over with" Robin said.

"Woah, woah there Birdy boy, chill. Maybe say your goodbyes first" He said with a wink.

"I won't say good bye. I won't fail this" Robin said with a snarl and a glare.

"Woah! Stop being tense Dickie, No snarl and glare combos ok?" He said as he pulled him by the arm.

Robin gave a grunt and broke free. Shadow laughed hysterically and pressed a button. The button opened a chamber with walls made of glass.

Inside the chamber was a door. An old door to be exact with a golden door knob. The door was made of wood with red paint.

"Go now, and a tip Dickie ! It's not what it seems" As Robin went in he was questioning himself.

He walked to the door. "What the heck ? What does he mean?" He picked up the two keys. He looked at the knob. He knob was golden.

He has a golden key and a silver key, "Not what it seems"he repeated himself. He looked at his 'friends' they were looking directly at the glass chamber. At him.

He held the knob firmly then he removed his grip. His glove was colored in gold now. He looked at he knob it was a bit grayish now.

He smirked, "knew it" he inserted the Silver key, he turned it. A click sound was made. "Click" said a knob.

He pushed the door, and it opened. Nothing in it but it opened. He was frozen. He jumped up high and shouted a Yahoo. He was happy and so did the others.

Shadow's smile never removed from his face. He pressed the button and the chamber's walls separated into four and went down.

He clapped "Nice job DICKIE​ !" He shouted the last part. He Cackled like a maniac.

He grabbed Starfire by the arm. And pushed Robin away. Robin tripped but Kid Flash caught him. "You okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine" he said with a snort. Shadow took out a rope and tied up Starfire's wrist. "Oh this is gonna be fun ! Well for me tho" He said with a grin.

"Hey ! I won the last game! I got the door opened ! What the heck man ?!" Robin bursted out.

"Ya he finished the stupid game!" Cyborg defended. Oh now he's defending me? Robin asked to himself.

"So ? Y'all got your freedom"

"But why-" Jinx was cutted off.

"I said: If he loses he has to kill her" Shadow said.

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