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March 25: Day 2

Starfire and Robin's lips were close to touch each other's surface and ...

Someone knocked at the door.

Robin quickly wore his mask.

Robin and Starfire suddenly looked away and blushed. They're faces were as red as Starfire's hair.
There was Silence but then someone spoke up.

"Um , uh Rob you in there" Beastboy's voice was heard from the other side of the door. Beastboy's voice has a tone of sadness and a bit of regret.

"Robin ? If your in there , please talk to us..." Cyborg's voice is at the same tone as Beastboy's.

Robin's veins were about to pulp but he calmed himself a bit. Only a bit. "What do you want ?!" Robin said a bit harshly.

"Dude can we come in?" Beastboy asked.

Robin thought about it for a few seconds "No" he said in a Stern voice "no you can't go in"

"But friend Robin..." Starfire said holding his shoulder , Robin looked at her.

"It's fine Star" he said to calm her down.

"But dude , we came to-" Cyborg has been cutted off

"I said not in my room , I didn't say somewhere else . Meet me on the roof"

Beastboy and Cyborg immediately went onto the roof top of the tower.

"I guess I have to go" Robin said looking at Starfire.

"It is fine Robin . Go ahead and do the talking to them" Starfire said with a smile.

Robin nodded and and got out of his room with Starfire beside him. They were on the hallway .

"Star?" Robin said while walking.

"Yes Robin?" Starfire asked also walking.

"Can I give you something?" Robin blushed a little.

"What is it?" Starfire said as she stopped to walk and so did Robin.

Robin looked at her and kissed her left cheek and ran to the roof top. Starfire was too shocked to move and blushed as red as her hair.


Robin went up the roof there he saw Jason tying up Cyborg and Beastboy and Damian clenching his fists. "Jason ! What are you doing ?!"

"Oh Timmy told me that they laughed at you because of Peanut" Jason answered.

"Yeah and they're gonna pay !" Damian said raising his fists.

"What ? Don't tie them up !" Robin said untying both Cyborg and Beastboy.

"But they laughed at peanut !" Jason said glaring at both of Robin's teammates.

"It's fine ... You two get inside , we'll talk later" Damian and Jason did what they were told.

Beastboy and Cyborg were untied then Robin spoke.

"You wanted to talk to me ... What do you want to talk about?" Robin said folding both of his arms.

"We wanted to say sorry about what happened" Beastboy said with a sympathy look.

"Yeah we didn't know that ... " Cyborg tried to say the words "that ... It was from ..." He can't say it.

"... Mama" Robin said looking at the setting sun "Mama . She gave Peanut when I was only turning 8 ... " A tear fell from his cheek " She gave it to me ... Before they ..." A few more tears came down. He was about to say it but then the crime alert activated.

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