Help me...

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Video by: PiXLeY (me)
Note: that's not Grey

Shadow's P.O.V.

I went outside the chamber. My red eyes glowing as I smiled evilly. I will do something that Dickie will never ever forget.

I walked through a hallway. The hallway has 3 doors. One is top secret that I don't even know about, door no. Two is my room and door no. Three is Slade's quarters.

I knocked at the third door then it opened. "Hello my apprentice" Slade said to me. I smiled I walked forward a dusty old desk.

"Hello master, do I have anything else to do ?" I asked with enthusiasm in my voice.

"No. Nothing for today apprentice but... Why didn't you follow my orders" Slade looked at me. I flinched.

"I did master. I captured the Titans" I said fixing my posture. He went closer to me.

"Yes you did Shadow. But I also said that you will not play such useless games Shadow" he said as his finger is at the bottom of my chin.

"But master-" I chocked as he grabbed my neck tightly and raised me to the air.

"I said no Games ! You disobeyed my orders Shadow !" He then flung me to the air then I hit the stone cold wall.

I got up but he kicked me at the stomach. I held my stomach as I lay on the floor. The pain is unbearable. "Master-"

He picked me up at me collar and made eye contact "defy me again and-" I cutted him off.

"They suffered ! Tears and screams came out! Please !" He looked at me. Then he threw me away.

"Alright Shadow. Your work is done... But do not disobey my orders again !" He said and pushed me outside.

He closed the door shut. I flinched then I got up. This guy is crazy terrifying. I thought as I walked to my room. I opened it and walked inside. I closed the door and sat at my bed.

Then the speaker activated. "Red, Red, wake up Red" the speaker said.

I shook then I fell to the floor. "Aghh!" I screamed. Then everything went clear to me.

I ran to the door but it was locked. I banged it hard "let me out ! You monster !" I banged it harder.

No answer I banged it harder. "I said let me out !" I got tired and sat to my bed. Then I cried. I looked at the mirror I saw me... My eyes are now blue... Back to thier original color.

More tears began to fall. I placed my head to my hands looking down. "What have I done" I cried more.

"The Titans... I hurt them... I made them suffer" I cried more "Why !!!?" I shot back up and screamed at the security camera.

"Wilson ! Why did you made me do this ?!?" I kneeled at the ground "I don't want to do this anymore! Please!" I begged " I'm sorry I didn't want this to happen to others again"

"Why would you apologize even though that you haven't done anything to me" The speaker said.


"No! You will not speak! You are under my control, so you will only follow my command" the speaker boomed.

I cried harder. Why is he doing this to me ? I didn't even done anything to him. I don't want to kill anymore. After what happened to Zucco. I cried more.

He made me kill my friends. All because of that stupid deal!

The deal is that if he helps me kill Zucco then I'll be his apprentice.

I wish I would never agreed to that. I hate myself for it. Can somebody please help me...

"My little Robin..." Oh no... Not again. This hallucinations are getting worse. But at least I don't feel alone.

"Do not blame yourself son... It's not your fault" my father said. I missed him so much. I miss the way that he gives me advice and teaches me things. But this father is not the father.

"I love you Dick always will" my mother said to me... I miss her so much... I miss the way that she cuddles me when I have a nightmare and teaches me how to bake... The good old times.

But now they're gone. I miss them. I done even care if I perish or not. I just want to be with them.

__Back to the Titans at Robin's P.O.V.__

I was leaning at he wall thinking... No luck until I fell something hit my gut. I fell to the ground holding my stomach. I screamed. It hurts.

Everyone came beside me. Until a small hologram showed up... It was Shadow outside at Slade's door. He then walked to another door and opened it.

He went inside then the speaker said "Red, Red, wake up Red" then he begun to shake. And so did I.

I screamed again but louder. It hurts so much. I covered my ears. How is this happening? Only Shadow can ... Wait... "Same body, same mind" He already gave us a hint!

I looked up the screen again. His eyes were blue, like mine. Then he begun to cry. Does he not mean any of this? Or is this part of his tricks.

"Dude what is wrong with him ?" Cyborg looked at is confused.

The hologram removed.

"Don't trust Shadow even though that he acts sad and guilty. Do not trust him no matter what" Raven said.

"But Rae look he's-" Beastboy was cutted off.

"Listen to you GF there green bean" Jason said smirking.

"He is not my Boyfriend !" Raven said ready to punch Jason.

"Ya ! She is not my GF either!" Beastboy said chasing Jason.

"I agree with Raven" Starfire said.

"Me too" said Cyborg.

"Agreed" I said but really I don't.

He is also me and that look on his face is the same look that I had. I blamed my self for my parents' death. But this time he blamed himself.

I believe him. Because he's me.

I heard something in my mind only. Can somebody help me... It's Shadow. I will help you.

I will help you escape the mad man like I did.

To Be Continued...

Hey guys !! Thank you for the 445 + reads ! It is amazing ! So amazing I would like to give you guys a question

Ok so here are the rules

1) the user with the best answer will win. The winner will have a Shout-out at the next chapter.

2) you are not allowed to look at a wikepidia

3) Answer the question before the deadline

4) no cheating

Ok that's all and let's start the question:

*Who is the 4th Robin? And what is his/her origin?*

That's all for now and the deadline is at August 6, 2017.

Please do Vote, comment and Follow. You don't have to if you don't want to. Thank again !!! For the 445 reads !!!

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With lots of love

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