Meet My Legal Brothers !!!

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March 24 : Brother arrival
9:00 am

The Titans are all at a not happy mood , because yesterday they have been finding all sharp things that Robin ordered to find. After a few minutes they went to the main ops room to wear they find Robin on the kitchen counter holding a wooden spoon and a bunch of cupcakes and cookies.
"Dude what is this ?" Beastboy asked while his mouth is watering.
"It's my way of saying sorry about yesterday, I'm sorry" Robin said looking to his team.
"Friend Robin ! Do not apologize it is the okay now" Starfire said hugging Robin.
"Any way what is all this ?" Raven asked with her one brow raising up.
"Well it's for all of you" Robin giving them a smile.
"Wow, I didn't know you could cook!" Cyborg said already sitting on the chair and eating some of the cupcakes.
"No , not cooking just baking" Robin said giving a small laugh.
All the Titans took a seat and ate the cookies and cupcakes. Then a loud ding was heard.
*Ding* "oh wait , the cakes" Robin said grabbing the mittens and pulling out three cakes. One is Chocolate , the other one is Vanilla and the last one is Strawberry.
"Dude ! My favorite is Chocolates!" Beastboy said
"Me too !" Cyborg said raising his hand
"I love vanilla , how'd you know?" Raven asked taking a slice.
"Mental bond , remember?"Robin said with a smile
"Oh yeah" Raven took a bite "this is amazing !"
"Friend Robin , thank you for the Cake of Strawberry , It is quite delicious !" Starfire said hugging Robin.
"But wait , what will we do with the extras ?" Raven said pointing to the leftovers.
"Duh of course we finish them !!!" Cyborg and Beastboy said in unison, they reached out but they received a slap on thier hand by Robin.
"Na-ah this is not for us ,this is for my 'legal' brothers" Robin said doing a gesture on the legal part.
"Aww but , can we just , but ,aww ... "Cyborg said pouting "...fine".
"Thank you ..." Robin said cleaning up the mess they made.
"Hey Rob can I ask you something ?" Beastboy said.
"Yeah sure , what is it ?" Robin asking Beastboy.
"How'd you know how to bake like this?" Beastboy asked then Robin flinched.
"Um-uh well, I learned it from my ... Mother" Robin said the last part quietly.
"What did you say ?"Raven asked "The last part , I didn't hear it "
"My Mother" Robin said it louder than before , then the door opened , it was the Titans East.
"Change of plans , these are now for them" Robin said pointing to the Titans East. "By the way why are you guys here?" Asked Robin.
"Well because Kid Feet and Archer Boy here took off without even explaining to us yesterday , the only thing they said that you need them " Bumblebee said pointing to Kid Flash and Speedy.
"What? They really said that I need them , like exact words or?" Robin said asking.
"Exact Words" Aqualad answered , after a few minutes of silence Robin's mask begun to twitch.
"WALLY !!! ROY !!! What the heck ?!?!" Robin said chasing them while the two run especially Roy .
"What did I say when you explain to other people about helping me ?!? We had a contract ! It specifically says that when somebody needs help just say your on a emergency or else the people who you explained with will freaking investigate !" Robin said while he caught Roy and tied him with duct tape from his utility belt.
"Look Dickie , We forgot about the contract , we're so sorry , Wally was the one who said that you need him not me !! I'm innocent !" Roy is still tied up. Then Robin looked at Wally.
"You ! Come back here !!" Robin said chasing Wally . Then Wally run around Dick round and round then Robin took his staff and smashed it to the ground which made Wally Jump and stop from running then he fell , Robin took out the duct tape and tied him up.
"Promise to never do that again ?" Robin asked .
"Yes we promise !! " They both said in unison.
"Now that's settled , how about you guys eat some cake" Robin said in a innocent smile.
"What just happened ?"Jinx asked looking at Wally and Roy.
"It's a Best Bro' thing "Robin said sitting at the kitchen counter.
"I know that you guys are good friends , but I didn't know you guys are Bros" Raven said.
"Oh me and those two we go way back" Robin said.
"So if your best Bros then shouldn't you help them not tied up" asked Beastboy.
"Nah , they're both annoying especially Kid Idiot there" Robin said pointing to Wally. "Besides they can get out for about..." Robin looked the clock on the counter "30 minutes".
"So umm this cakes are ?" Aqualad asked pointing to the half eaten cakes.
"Yup , those are yours ..." Everyone just stared at him " ... What are you guys going to dig in or am I going to give it to Kid Idiot ?" Robin said to the tied up Kid Flash. Everyone didn't even hesitate to take slices of the cakes .
30 minutes later ...

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