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Beastboy held the Key on the palm of his hands. It was a silver key that has a weird pattern on the end of the key. He was nervous, his hands shaking and his stomach tied up in knots.

Today was the day that they would have to play the second game. He doesn't know if today is a day or is it night time. He looked around.

He was in a metal chamber. Well that was what he think it was. He looked to the left then to the right. No doors, no windows , no exit. Of course it is a chamber. Beastboy thought of himself.

He stopped thinking. He forgot about the game. His mind occupied to look around the chamber. To find an exit.

Alas he gave up. No exit, this room is well built. He wondered if they're in their world or still at Shadow's world.

He hated the boy. He killed somebody who he cared so much. But... Is it the truth that Shadow was innocent. Was the hologram telling the truth?

He was confused and in pain at the same time. At least they have one key. Even if that they lose this game. They still have a 50% chance of freedom.

He wasn't sure, he isn't like Cyborg and Robin. They are the ones who are the smartest of the team. He's stomach begun to twist in knots again.

Maybe 30% or maybe 10%? He doesn't know. He became nervous again. He looked behind him. His friends... Comforting Starfire except Robin.

Robin was leaning at the wall. Looking uneasy. No mask, no hiding emotions. He was looking down. He looked at his hands.

He kept asking himself why. Why does this always happen to him? He kept asking the same question. Everyone was worried at each other. But nobody was worried at Robin.

All kept thier attention to Starfire. That's a good thing. Robin thought to himself. He doesn't want anybody to pity him. He doesn't want to be judged. He doesn't want to be hurt again.

But this is more than hurt, this is pain. The one he likes the most dies. He have to kill her. But no. Even if he lose this game he still wouldn't kill her even if it means to punish him.

He doesn't care if he gets hurt or tortured but not the ones he love. This hero isn't fearless. This hero has a fear. Even the great Batman has a fear. Robin thought.

His greatest fear. The ones that he cared the most or the person or thing that has become a part of his life disappeared... Gone ... Dead.

It would break his heart that this person will have to die because of him. Lots of people call him a freak, a fraud, a loser, a basket case (means useless), and alot more.

That wasn't Robin, that was Richard, the real him. But he left that life, it was painful when he ran away to the person that took him in and leaving the kids that looked up to him (except Damian).

They were gone but now they're back. But this situation isn't like before. This was death. Starfire won't be able to live again, like Jason did. There's no Lazarus Pit here.

He wondered on how Starfire would die. But he stopped himself. He doesn't want to overthink it all. He hoped that Starfire won't die in a slow and painful death. He thought.

His hands shook, fear in his eyes, legs shaking until he sat down on the smooth and cold floor. He leaned at the wall. Knees on his chest. He hugged his knees.

He covered his face. Tears fell. He was scared like a little boy who doesn't know where his mother was. He stopped thinking about death and failure to succeed his promise.

Starfire depended on him. he'll do his best. No. He'll succeed and do what's right. Everyone believed in him. He wasn't sure if his thought was right.

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