Shadows of the night

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March 26: Day 3

"No! Why ! Why!? They did nothing to you!" Beastboy's eyes crying so hard.

"No they did something" Shadow smiled evilly. He bowed down and looked at Beastboy. Beastboy looked at him.

"They didn't gave me what I wanted. The serum that makes look like now" Stepped back and activated the trap (a cage) to Beastboy. "That's why" he started to chuckle.

"That's it ?!? But ... They had a child !! Me!! What did you do to him?!" He said gripping the metal bars.He just chuckled then he Cackled. "WHAT DID YOU DO !?!"

"You really want to know? Hmm... Oh well..." He started to smile bigger "I made him watch as they die. I tied him up and well... Make him watch" He looked at Beastboy.

"You really are a monster..." Beastboy said looking down and started to cry again.

"No I'm not a monster. You are" Shadow said looking at him.

"Why would I be !? You're the one who killed then!!" Beastboy said shouting.

"Because... You didn't do anything. You just stood there. Doing nothing... I even left a knife close to you... But you did nothing" He said smiling "You're the monster"

"I am one" Beastboy said looking down.

"No you're not Beastboy!! It wasn't your fault ! You were so young!" Robin shouted but Beastboy didn't respond. Like a lifeless animal.

"Who's next? Hmm... Mini , Miney , Mo. Get the knife and the hoe. If you scream , I'll kill you now. 1, 2, 3, Go!" He pointed to Starfire.

"The little Alien... Alright then" He said as a smirk formed on his lips.

"You cannot kill any of my family they are the out of this world" Starfire said.

"I know..." Starfire was confused "that's why I went to space" His smile grew bigger.

"You wouldn't be able to-" Starfire was cutted off.

"Oh My! Really Dickie?! Her?! She's so Gullible and Innocent !!! Haha!? Am I really like this in this world!? Jeez... I feel like a loser now because of you" He looked at Robin. He glared at him, he glared back. None of them flinched. Just a intense glaring battle.

He looked away then looked at Starfire. "Do you really wanna know what happen?" He looked at her "You did arrive at earth but nobody would take you in. You live in an empty warehouse full of smelly old men" He smiled evilly.

"I Do Not Care of what I have become of. I care for the ones I love" She glared back.

"The ones you love eh?... How about I'll tell you a story..." He smiled evilly " Once upon a Time there was a princess, she has a big sister and a little brother. Everything was going fine and happy until... The war"

"After a few years they got separated. Her parents died through the war, her sister became evil and her brother is lost in space"

"Then a assassin came. Her brother landed on Earth safely. The assassin soon found out and killed him with a knife"

"Then her sister came along and well the assassin killed her too with the same knife that the assassin used to kill the brother"

"And the little princess was left alone in the whole world ! The End" he said smiling at her.

"Ryan... You killed Ryan ?! Why do you do this ?! She hasn't done anything to you ?!" She cried more.

"Aww. Cry baby, Cry baby. You're on your own and You lost your friends. You told yourself it's not you, it's them" He started to sing Cry baby , By: Melanie Martinez.

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