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March 24 : Day 1 of Batsitting
10:15 am

Jason is laughing like a maniac when Batman left the tower. He continued laughing until his stomach felt pain because of laughing for 5 mins.

"Jay-bird..." Jason kept laughing "Jay ..." Robin getting annoyed " Jason !" Jason laughed louder "JASON !!!" Robin shouted then Jason stopped.

"Haha , What ?" Jason said trying to stop laughing.

"I don't get it , why are you laughing ?" Robin asked

"Look , Dickie did you hear what bats said ?" Jason said while snickering.

"What ? The only thing that he said is to watch over you guys" Robin said confused while the other Titans also looked confused.

"Ya that , but there's more" Jason trying to contain his laughter.

"Just spill" Damian said getting annoyed of his bigger brother.

"Ok Deamon !(A/N De-a-mon) coz Bruce said that I was gonna murder you !! So be careful Dickie !" Jason said laughing.

"You know that's not gonna happen" Tim said thinking that this was not funny at all.

"I know ... But still *snicker* " Jason said laughing some more.

"That is not funny Todd" Damian said rolling his eyes.

"Please friends what is funny about all this ?" Starfire asked confused.

"It's nothing Star" Raven said taking her book off the table then opening it.

Then a loud Ding was heard *DING* , then Robin ran to the oven with his mittens on.

"Dude another cake ?" Beastboy asked , wanting some more.

"Yup" Robin said pulling out a 7 inch tall and 10 inch wide Chocolate cake.

"Wait , CAKE !!" Tim said standing up the sofa then ran to the kitchen counter.

"Shut up Drake ,don't lie about Grayson's famous cakes" Damian said not looking off the TV.

"Um ... Dami , Timmy isn't lying" Jason said tugging Damian's shirt.

"Not you to-" Damian looked at Jason then stopped and smelled the scent of Chocolate. *sniff* Damian closed his eyes , imagining what scent it is " I smell , chocolate and ... " Damian turned to the kitchen and open his eyes " ... A FRESHLY BAKED CAKE !!!!" Damian said running faster than Kid Flash could to the kitchen counter.

"No fair !!! They could have cake ! Even though they punched you like a thousand times !!!" Kid Flash said whining.

"This is for my brothers which is Dami , Timmy and Jay. And for Speedy of course" Robin said slicing the cake.

"Yehey !!!" Speedy said getting a slice.

"What !?! He could get Cake !" Kid Flash now annoyed.

"*sigh* how could you be so dumb ? Of course you do to. Jeez" Robin said finished slicing the cakes.

"And me too!" Beastboy said wanting some.

"Na-ah you already ate like 3 slices" Robin said while Beastboy just pouted. " And you three only one slice" Robin demanded.

"Aww why ?" Jason said complaining.

"You know what happens when you have too much sugar" Robin looked at them.

"What happens ?" Cyborg asked

"They can get Sugar High" Kid Flash said eating a piece of cake.

"What's Sugar High?" Aqualad asked the others.

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