A happy ending (Teaser)

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Grey's P.O.V.

(I sat at a cave in the middle of the woods... I was able to escape from that wretched man. It had been months ever since I left there.

From all of the torture and hard labor that I have to endure, finally free. Well not totally free. The thing is, that other side of me... It's still there even if he doesn't show up, I feel like it. Sometimes Cheeper would just looking at me cocking his small head to the side and be tweeting.

I wouldn't believe it if I have to be honest. Cheeper is smart, and is a good Ally. Now you might be saying that's crazy talk... Yeah right. I have been insane half of my damn life. But that doesn't mean that there is still another side of me still, the old me. The one that would always smile and try to help others.

But that old me wasn't perfect either. He did some regretful things and I wish that he didn't even do it. Like that deal. I was so immature and is out of my dang mind at that time and I could not believe that I was even so dumb to actually believe a stranger to help me.

I wanted Zucco to die... And I got what I wished for. But did I actually feel anything after I pressed the trigger and saw him ... Bleed...

I felt... Joy after that... And it made me sick. I was laughing and laughing but in he inside I was crying. After I got back and entered the room, Slade did what he promised after the training and everything just to achieve that goal he'll let me go. He'll let me get out of that trance from chaotic me.

But I instantly regretted it. It backfired. The impact was too much when I realized on what I did. I was only 13 at that time and it destroyed me. )

"What the hell am I doing? The past is in the past... Ignore and continue on" I whispered to myself all alone. I was hunched over at a rock that I was currently sitting on.

I was look around trying to snap out of that trance. Cheeper usually was the one doing it with his sweet little tweets. For a boy of course people would call me weak or whatever for depending on a bird to help me... People these days...

"Retarded people... Wherever you go, there will be always at least one person out there" I scoffed, I miss my mom and dad they would say that I should be proud of myself, be happy of what I have, or not be ashamed of my likes or dislikes. But it's so hard to do that... People are just so judgmental... It's annoying.

"You know you should go out more, not everyone is retarded y'know?" A voice of a girl. I turned my head to where she was. I saw her silhouette just standing there leaning at one of the cave's walls.

That silhoutte is too familiar. And I instantly knew who it was. I jumped back as soon as I saw her. I formed a fighting stance. I knew who I was up against.

"Woah there, I'm not here to fight you. K bud? Even tho u did some unspeakable things in the past, and we both ain't u ... Immaright? Just wanna greet u that's all" She hissed he word 'unspeakable'. I know what she meant by that, I owe her something that's why she's here...

"What ? U just show up for no damn reason just to say hi? I don't think so, what is it that you really want?" I stepped back as she set foot in the cave. I am so glad Cheeper isn't here , or else he would have been another problem, I don't want the lil bird to get hurt because of this mess.

"No... Jeez is that what you actually see me as? I swear, ok ok. I was sent by Wilson, he wanted me to find you k?" I knew it! Slade that filthy bastard. I am not going to set foot on that base again, ever again.

"Now let's chill and just sit down and talk about what were up to k?" She sat down at the rocky floor and crossed her legs. "So how about we-"

"That's oddly specific" I said still not sitting down.

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