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March 27 :Day 4

Robin's P.O.V.

I layed at the cold ground. I touched the ground with my hand. Rocks and pebbles around me. I opened my eyes. I looked round, there was no walls, no doors, just the cold floor, the night sky and fire-lit columns.

Then I looked behind me. I see my friends and my brothers still unconscious. "Where are we?" I asked to myself.

"You're at my world" A voice came from the shadows. It sounded sad and apologetic.

"Come to the light" I ordered.

He did what he was told. It was Shadow. He was still wearing his suit but his eyes were blue. He has fresh bruises on his face.

"What happened ?" I asked.

"I-I got beaten u-up" he stammered.

"Why?" I pushed.

"B-because I d-didn't follow his o-orders" his hands were shaking.

"wait-" before I finished, he was pulled back to the darkness. Seconds later a high-pitch scream was heard.

Everyone behind me suddenly got up "Who ? What ?where are we?" Jason asked.

Everyone stayed silent and looked at me "We're not at the chamber are we?" Beastboy asked.

"We're not" answered Raven.

"Then where are we ?" Starfire asked.

"At Shadow's world" I answered.

A chuckle was heard. "So my apprentice has made a deal with you, I have told him not to do this but you know your friend Robin acts" Slade said eyeing Robin "He doesn't listen"

Robin gave a glare and a deadly snarl at Slade. "What did you do to him?" I pushed.

"You believed the hologram? I thought you're smarter than that!" Cyborg shouted at me.

"I am, you think I wouldn't know how I act ?!" I shouted back. He went quiet.

Red glowing eyes showed up at the shadows. "Very amusing indeed" a cackle was heard "So should we begin?" Shadow grabbed Damian by the shoulder.

"Let go of me !" Damian shouted at him.

"Alright" Then Shadow pushed him to the ground.

"So let's start" Shadow said smiling like a maniac.

"What's the game?" I stood up.

"Not game it's games " he smiled again.

"Games?!" Raven shouted.

"3 games, if you win the first and second game, you get keys. And then you use the one of the two keys on the 3rd game, one is the correct key and the other is the wrong key" he looked at Starfire "But if you didn't use the right key, she dies"

Gasps were heard from everyone. "Can we change the-" I was cutted off.

"Deal" Starfire said.

"But Star, y-you will-" cutted off again.

"I believe that you have a plan friend Robin, I believe that you won't let me die" Starfire said giving me a sincere smile.

A tear fell off my face "I won't let you die, I promise"

"I know you would not let it happen"

"Eww !! Hold up! No sappy moments on the first game" Shadow said. "Alright let's start"

He pointed at 10 cups in a row standing upside down on top of a table. "You have 3 chances, if run out of chances you have no key" a devilish smile came across his face "so who will participate ?"

No one moved until Beastboy stood up and walked to the table.

His hand was shaking. A sweat fell from his face. He picked the 3rd cup. He picked it up, a shell was inside.

"2 more to go" A smile grew bigger on Shadow's face.

Beastboy looked at Starfire, he mouthed 'I'm sorry'

He looked back at the table and picked up the last cup. Nothing was in it. "1 more to go"Beastboy said to himself.

He looked at the table. He picked the 5th cup, he removed his hand. Then he picked the 8th cup, then he picked the 6th cup. His hands were shaking and more sweat fell from his face.

He couldn't decide which to pick. Minutes passed until he decided to pick the first cup. He pulled it up. I couldn't see what he picked up. But a loud sigh of relief was heard.

He picked up the key and waved it at to the air. "I got it ! I have it !" He jumped up and down like an excited 5 year old. Shadow's smile went smaller.

A clap from Shadow was heard "Great job, But you know that you wouldn't have to have wasted those other 2 chances, if you just used your powers"

"What!? We were allowed to use our powers" Cyborg asked.

"Yup , but only at the first game. The next game you're not allowed" Shadow said smiling bigger.

Everyone looked at Beastboy. "What !? Don't blame me ! I didn't know!"

Silence came...

"So when's the next game ?" Raven asked

"Tomorrow" Shadow said then left without a word.

More silence ...

Until a green gas appeared from the darkness. "Everyone don't breath !" I shouted at them.

Everyone did thier best to not breath but they failed miserably.

I breathed the gas then I fell to the ground, everything went black.

A hand reached out in front of me. I looked around and then I saw nothing but white. "Is this heaven?" I asked to myself .

Then I looked at the hand still reached out. I looked at my hands then I saw I was wearing a white and blue robe.

A faint voice was heard "grab my hand". That voice... I heard it before... Mami?

"Mami?" I looked around then I looked at the hand again. "Grab my hand" I heard it again. I held it then pulled me to the endless white clouds until it ended.

I looked at the hand it was Mami...

"Mami? Tati?" Tears fell.

"My little Robin... You have grown so much" my mother's sweet voice.

"Hi son, it has been a while"

"Mami ! Tati!" I lunged and hugged them. "I missed you so much!"

"We miss you too..."

"But it's time for you to wake up" my father said.


My eyes suddenly flashed open. We were at another room.

"Ready for another game ?"

To Be Continued...

Hey guys thanks for the reads so so much !!!!! I'm happy ! I hope you're happy too ! Thanks allot ! I did not expect to have this much reads! Thank you !!!!

And please remember to vote, follow and comment ! You don't have to if you don't want to 😊😊

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