Living A Fantasy (PETERICK)

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*Well I have finally got to write one of those Peterick fanfics on here. I going to try to make this different you could say. I have no idea how but just go with it.*

Pete's POV

Today was going to be my first day of...elementary school. I was not scared because some people were looking at me and someone told me when they stare that means that they like you. But some girls were really staring at me. They must really like me. I do not think that girls have all that cootie stuff but I think the girl that always stares at me does. She is always is scratching her head and almost drooling. My mom says that is normal. I don't do that. I must not be normal.

I walked into my class with my little backpack that was almost too big for me and I sat down at a random seat while my mom was talking to the teacher. There was some guys looking at me and I got shy and put my head down. One walked to me and sat beside of me. "Hi!" He said. He had black hair and it was curlyish. I waved and he was smiling at me. "My name is Joe!" He said. I nodded. "What is your name?" He asked me. "P-Pete." I stammered. "Nice to meet you!" He said. "Wanna meet my other friends?" He asked me.

I nodded and he got up. "This is Andy!" He said. He waved. "This is Pete. He is shy." Joe said. I smiled and he smiled back. "Patrick was right here." Andy said. "Oh yeah you are missing Patrick!" Joe said. "Where is he?" Andy asked. They are just looking for some more people for me to talk right?

"Well he will be here in a minute probably talking to his mommy." Joe said. I nodded and there was a tall lady that walked in. Her name was Mrs...Williams? I cannot read that good. "Good morning!" She said. We all said good morning back. "Are we missing anyone?" She asked. "PATRICK!" Andy yelled.

She was already annoyed with him. She was pretty though. She had a different colored hair than anyone else in the class. "Does anyone know where Patrick is?" She asked. They all shrugged and then we heard the door open. "Sorry he ran out when we walked out." Another lady said. We all looked at her and there was a smaller figure standing behind her leg.

"That is Patrick!" Andy said. "Oh hi Patrick!" Mrs. Williams said to him. He clenched tighter to the womans leg. "Patrick let go of me. I will be back later." She said to the small weak figure. "Don't go." He said. "Patrick I need to go." She said getting up. He was almost crying now that he didn't want to go so badly.

"Come on there is Joe and Andy and it looks like that they got a new friend." She said. He looked up and his face brightened up when he looked at me. I smiled back and he walked to the table we were all sitting at. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "This is Pete!" Joe said.

I looked up and he smiled at me. "Hi." He said smiling. "Hi!" I said back. He looks so sweet. Like sugar. I know that is not the best way to put him but that is all I got. His smile was warm and not like he hated me. Or he hated being here. Well no one likes being in school but when he saw me his whole face changed. It cannot be me. I can't be the reason that he is happy.

Patrick's POV

How can someone like him make someone like me so happy? It is impossible but it is actually possible I guess because he made me happy. "Patrick you said that you were going to be here with us!" Joe said with sadness in his voice. I mumbled a sorry and then they still weren't happy. Joe and Andy are people that forgive others quickly but today wasn't the day. We got on with the class and we went to art class. The teacher said we will be doing this every Wednesday.

I am guessing today was the day the lady was talking about. We just drew and colored. Pete was sitting beside of me and we were talking. "Sorry that they not talking to you." He said. I shrugged and was still drawing little stick people all over the page. He smiled and was drawing what looks like a dog. "What is that?" I asked. "My dog Hemmingway!" He said. The dog looks big. I don't have a dog. I wonder why. We got done with art and we got back to the classroom. Mrs. Williams said that we were going to learn some colors and pointed to my jacket.

I guess that is another word for color. We got done and now I can say my jacket is blue I hope. Then it was lunch and the cafeteria was HUGE. Why can't we have our own lunchroom? We don't need to be here with the big kids. They are called big kids for a reason. We got done with that and we learned some more stuff then it was recess. Now this is going to be the fun part about the day.

We got out and Brendon and Dallon were there and they glared at Pete. Today was his first day and someone is already being mean to him. They shoved him down into the mulch and he was coughing up wood and other things that looked like the pizza we had for lunch. Then he got up and walked to the sidewalk to the trash can and they followed him there too and pushed him and he flew across the pavement. If that didn't hurt I don't know what would.

I went to get the teacher and she said that I could walk to the office and I nodded. I know where that place is. It might be a big school but I ran by there when my mom was walking out. We got there and I head to jump to get someones attention. They said I could come around with him. "So what happened here?" The nurse asked looking at Pete's nose. "B-Brendon and D-Dallon pushed me d-down and I fell d-down on the s- sidewalk and I was b-bleeding." He said. "And they pushed him in some mulch." I said.

"Okay so open your mouth," She said. He opened his mouth and he had some wood stuck in his tongue. "Okay we are going to have to pull this out, Patrick do you mind if he holds on to your hand?" She asked. I grabbed onto his hand and of course he was scared. She got the tweezers and was digging in Pete's mouth. He was crying and was squeezing on my hand.

"We are almost done Pete." She said rubbing his leg. He nodded and wiped his tears with his good hand. He was sad that they did that to him probably. I would be too. I sighed and a couple of minutes later the nurse said that Pete was done finally. She said that it was about time for us to go home. We nodded and I grabbed his hand. "Thanks for sitting here with me." Pete said. I said it wasn't that much of a problem it was an excuse of getting out of class. "Hey...wanna be friends? I don't think I have actually asked you." I said. He nodded and hugged me.

*Okay sorry I do not have a cover for this. Its going to be tomorrow when I get it on there so enjoy this! Bye!*

Living A Fantasy (PETERICK)Where stories live. Discover now