Chapter Three

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Zak and I hopped into a cab the second we left the hospital. He whispered to the driver who nodded and hit start on the meter and drove off. For the first half of the drive, the two of us sat in semi-uncomfortable silence as we watched the news channel on the small poorly lit TV screen. Zak finally sighed and turned it off.

"Tell me about yourself."

My eyes widened. I hated talking about myself, not to mention there was never anything to say. I didn't have any hobbies, I didn't have any friends, and it was safe to say there was nothing interesting about me whatsoever.

"Um, like what? My favorite color?"

He chuckled. It was then I noticed the color had finally returned to his face.

"Sure, if that's important to you. But I mean more like, well, anything. I just want to know you more."

I paused. "There's not much to tell. I don't really do that much."

His eyes widened. "Nothing? What do you do when you come home from school? Do you have any friends? Dream travel destination? Anything?"

I shook my head and gave a small smile. "No, not really. When I come home from school I read or watch TV. every once in a while I jog, but that's if I need to clear my head. I don't really have a dream travel destination, I've never thought about that."

"You've never thought about traveling? Paris? Italy? Canada even?"

I smiled. "Well, I've always been somewhat interested in Ireland. The landscape there is so beautiful and the medieval castles and their history has always interested me."

I wasn't going to mention the part about my old elementary crush that came from Ireland, he was the only reason I knew so much about it. I used to google Ireland all the time so I could tell him facts and impress him. That was if I could ever muster up the courage to talk to him.

"Ireland," Zak repeated. "I think you would love it there." He smiled and looked at me.

"You've been there before haven't you?"

He chuckled. "Maybe. How about next time I go, I take you with me?"

My eyes widened once more. Was he serious? What would make him think my mother would let him just take me away to another country... oh wait.

I couldn't help but frown. He was to be my legal guardian soon. A complete stranger just pops into my life and says he will take me to Ireland. I felt the familiar burning sensation in my stomach telling me to run as fast as I could.

"That would be nice." I forced. I could feel the fire burning hotter in my stomach, rising to my arms and running down my legs.

The taxi came to a halt, and the driver turned toward us.

"That will be $52.13"

Zak pulled a wallet out of his jeans and pulled out one of many cards and handed it to the driver.

"Do you mind if I wait outside?" I asked.

"Of course." He nodded.

I sighed a breath of relief and stepped outside. It had been ages since I was last in this part of the city. It was beautiful. Around us stood some of the tallest buildings in Phoenix. Both businessmen and women made their way around me. Many talking on their phones or texting. Barely anyone was looking where they were going.

"Charlie!" I heard a familiar voice call. I swung my head toward the sound to see Zak wave and make his way toward me. I had forgotten I was about to run from him.

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