Chapter Forty-Nine

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"A few minutes eh?" I hid my face from Bacons view as I climbed back onto the bus. "I hope you got what you came for, because your dad won't stop asking me where you were"

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Oh my god he is such a worry-wart" Bacon chuckled.

"He's a father, you can't be mad at him for that" He was right, but I wasn't going to admit it.

I slumped myself on the couch as Bacon pulled away from the cemetery. I stuck my hand into my front pocket and pulled out the bracelet. I played with it and tried to scratch off the rust, but it didn't help.

"Whatcha got there?" I looked up to see Bacon looking at me through his rear-view mirror. I clasped the bracelet in my palm and stuck it back in my pocket.

"Nothing important" I looked out the window, avoiding his gaze. He shrugged his shoulders and went back to driving.

We said nothing for the entire drive back. I was too busy thinking about the warnings I received from both a living person and a dead one.

"Something very bad will happen at the prison" Danny's voice kept replaying in my head.

I reached down and touched the outside of my jeans. I traced my finger over the grooves of the bracelet sticking out through the jean pocket. Memories of Danny and me as children flooded my mind, making me unconsciously smile. Although I may be able to see her now, I badly wished she was still alive. The sudden halt of the bus pulled me from my thoughts. I looked out the window to see the library just across the street.

Before I could stand up, Bacon hopped out of his seat and sat next to me. "Is something wrong darling?"

I looked into his grey eyes; they were filled with concern. I reached over and squeezed his big hand.

"I'm fine, really. This whole thing is just very stressful. I'm sure you understand" He nodded and I pulled my hand away.

"I totally understand. You know I'm here if you need anything" He smiled. I patted his knee and stood up.

"Of course"

The sound of a chime from a text message caught both of our attention, causing us to pull out our phones. To my dismay, it wasn't my phone that received the text.

Bacon smiled and started typing away at his phone. "Looks like your dad and the guys found everything they needed. They just wanted to let me know they're coming out and we can eat back at the hotel"

I smiled as I saw my dad step out of the library followed by Aaron then Billy and Jay. "I see them"

Bacon looked up out the window, and then opened the bus doors.

"Bacon?" I asked. He shot around. "Please don't tell my dad where I went, he has too much to worry about"

"Of course sweetheart" He opened the doors to the bus and Zak stepped on. He immediately smiled when he saw me.

"Did you find anything?" Zak looked at Jay, who pulled out a file from his bag and handed it to me.

"Just this" I took the file from Jay and flipped it open. Inside, I found another prisoner file. I scanned the file as fast as I could while the guys waited for my reaction.

Damien Foster: Inmate #3920

Sentence: 35 years (1967-2002)


Damien Foster (also known as the Phoenix Butcher) was found guilty of murder in May of 1967. Foster was 24 years of age when he murdered his entire family with an axe, all bodies but one have been found. One survivor of the murders claimed Foster arrived home intoxicated and became angry. From there, he went into his fathers shed and took an axe; this axe was used to horrifically butcher his family of five, leaving his youngest brother alive as he hid in the attic. Foster moved the bodies of his family and buried them in the woods behind his house; all bodies except the one of his eldest sister have been found. After being found guilty, Foster was moved to Blackwater Prison to spend his 35 year sentence. In 1972, a riot broke out in Blackwater Prison leading to the complete disappearance of Damien Foster, who's dismembered had was found on the prison roof. No other information regarding Damien Foster's disappearance has been found.

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