Chapter Twenty-Seven

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A few hours later and I was ready for bed, and so was Zak. He couldn't stop looking at his phone and checking if the killer was wandering around our neighborhood had been caught.

"Still nothing?" I asked.

He sighed, "No, it's like they're not even looking for the killer" he pointed at a line in the news article he was reading and read it aloud.

"No moves have been made to discover the killer, but to protect and guard the once-safe neighborhood from another treacherous murder"

He shut off his phone and angrily stuffed it in his of one of his pant pockets.

"They haven't done anything" he sighed. "How am I supposed to keep you safe when a murderer is on the loose?"

I faintly smiled at him. "Trust me dad, you've kept me safer than Marion ever did".

He didn't even seem to be a little comforted at what I said. He just sighed again and ran his fingers through his hair.

We both just stood there in silence; him, sitting on one of the many antique looking couches of the museum, and I, standing across from him with my hands in my jacket pockets wondering if I wanted a snack before bed. You could only hear the sound of the two of us breathing until the thump of me crashing to the ground broke the silence.

I didn't even know what happened. One second I was just standing there and the next, it felt like someone had kicked both of the back of my knees out, immediately knocking me to the floor below.

As quickly as possible, Zak jumped to my rescue, but I was already face-first in the dusty carpet.

"Ughhh" I groaned, still facing the floor.

"Holy shit! Charlie are you okay? What just happened?" Zak was kneeling next to me and helped to my feet. As I was standing up, I looked around at my surroundings to see if maybe I had tripped or if I had bumped into something that would make my knees completely give out, but nothing was around me that would cause me to fall. There was only one real explanation that would cause this, especially in this building.

"I am so done" I whispered under my breath causing Zak to give me a confused face; obviously not hearing what I had said.

"What was that?"

I angrily huffed. "I said I am so fucking done with being picked on by ghosts. Like, Seriously?! I feel like the new kid at school being picked on by bullies! First, I get Rosemary to haunt me and get me to try and kill myself, then there's Helen, also from the Levik Asylum, who scared me shitless and haunted the both of us, and now we have Lady Verge! What is she going to do now? Huh? She's probably going to make me burn this place down and murder everyone else along with it!" I could feel my face was burning red from anger. Zak was just standing in front of me looking at little terrified.

After realizing what I just did, I closed my eyes and rubbed my face. "I'm sorry"

Zak cleared his throat. "No, no, its fine. I totally get it, and I understand what is going on. Maybe we should stay somewhere else? I'm sure I can call one of my friends and ask to stay for the nigh-"

"No" I cut him off and put my hand up in front of me signaling him to stop. "Its fine" I smiled. "I'm just getting... tired because it's late.... I'm just going to go to bed now" I fake smiled. As soon as I finished talking I walked out of the room we were in and toward my room for the next few nights.

"Wrong way Charlie! Your room is the other way!" Zak yelled from the room I walked out of.

I tiredly laughed and walked in front of the doorway again and made sure not to make eye contact with my dad out of embarrassment, and walked to my room. As I walked down the hallway I could hear him laughing at me.

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