Chapter Ten

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 After Zak and I changed out of our wet clothes and into nice and dry ones, we talked about our potential plans for the day.

"I was thinking we take Gracie for a walk and I show you around the neighbourhood" Zak suggested. He had just finished blending a smoothie and turned around to look at me for an answer. I took a long sip of awful coffee Zak tried to make for me and nodded.

"Sounds great" I faked a smile; my best attempt hide the fact I wanted to puke, but instead I pushed through and forced it down my throat.

"Good." He smiled.

Just as I was going to regretfully take another sip of my drink, the doorbell rang. Zak looked at me with a suspicious look and gently placed his smoothie on the counter next to him. I'm just going to assume by the way he was acting, he wasn't expecting anyone.

"Stay here." He told me.

I just shrugged my shoulders and silently followed him to the door (making sure to dump my coffee down the sink) without him knowing.

The second Zak opened the door, a very tall and very thin bald guy in loose clothing jumped in. His happiness made me feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Aaron!" Zak exclaimed and gave him a fist bump. "How are you doing? It's been a while!"

"I know!" Aaron laughed." I've been really busy painting and stuff, but I'm really excited to go on our first lockdown of the new season later this week. That's actually why I'm here, as soon as I heard you were back I wanted to talk with you about it. I even told Jay and Billy to meet us here as soon as they could."

"Who is this guy? And lockdown? What even is a lockdown?"

Zak let out a hollow laugh and awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

"Yeah, about that, we definitely need to have a talk."

Aaron furrowed his brows.

"Well. Do you remember the letter I got a few days ago from Marion? My ex from all those years ago?"

Aaron looked very confused and scratched his scruffy face, the moment of realization hit him and his eyes widened. "Wait a second. Are you talking about THE Marion? The one that got away? The one you keep a photo of in yo-"

"OKAY! Okay!" Zak interrupted; he knew I was listening.

"Wait, what letter? You didn't say anything about a letter."

Zak awkwardly chuckled. "Well, I got a letter from her saying some pretty important stuff, and well... I want you to meet someone." He paused and took a quick breath. "Charlie." Zak looked at me and nodded his head toward Aaron, hinting at me to come forward.

I stepped into Zak and Aarons' view with an awkward smile.

Aaron's eyes widened once more.

"Dude," Aaron said in a low voice. He looked between me and Zak over and over again. "No way." He whispered.

"Aaron, this is my daughter Charlie. Charlie, this is my co-worker and one of my closest friends, Aaron." Zak introduced.

Before I knew it, a 6ft tall bald guy ran at me and tackled me with a bear hug. I screamed at first but started laughing at how weird the situation was.

After he put me down, Aaron looked down and stuck his hand out to me. "It is very nice to meet you, Charlie Bagans."

That was when I realized it was the first time someone called me that.

Charlie Bagans... I loved it.

I smiled back at his friendly face. "It is very nice to meet you too, Aaron" He grinned.

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