Chapter Forty-Two

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"What did Patty say?" I asked Zak as I set my bowl full of cereal on the table next to his. He looked up at me, his hair was a mess and he still had a spoon full of cereal in his mouth. We had both just woken up from some seriously good beauty sleeps.

"Mmph?" He looked at me. I just giggled. I'm pretty sure that I'm the only person he feels comfortable enough to look like that in front of.

He swallowed his food and repeated what he said before. "What did you say?"

I took a sip of my green smoothie he made me earlier and cringed at the dull taste.

"I asked you about what Patty said. When you called her to talk about me?"

He nodded his head at my question, and then took another spoonful of cereal. I had to wait for him to finish chewing before he answered.

"She said you must've crossed the veil between the living and the dead when you died, and you might've left a piece of yourself there. That piece that you left behind is kind of like a telephone cord, its connecting your living body to the part of you left behind"

I frowned. "A piece of me? Isn't that a little dangerous?"

He shook his head. "Nope, I asked Patty the same thing. She thinks all psychics have the same thing, a piece of them behind the veil. But I'm sure not all of them died in order to achieve that" he joked.

"Very funny" I mocked. "So I'm all good? This isn't going to kill me or something?" I asked. Zak visibly shifted at the mention of me dying. He dug around his cereal bowl with his spoon and looked up at me.

"Of course not Charlie, why would you think that?"

I shrugged. "I don't know? Bear with me here okay? I'm still new to all this... kind of" He just sighed and went back to playing with his food.

The rest of our breakfast was relatively silent. There were the few occasional questions with him only answering with "I don't know" or "Let's see".

When I finished eating all the cereal in my bowl, I slowly lifted it to my mouth and unattractively chugged the remaining almond milk in my bowl. I made sure every last drop was in my mouth, which allowed the entire inside of the bowl to take up all of my vision. When I was done I slammed the bowl onto the table and deeply exhaled, making sure to wipe the remaining milk off my chin. I looked at Zak with a smug smile as he looked at me with a horrified face. The spoon he was holding still had food in it, but was hallway between the bowl and his mouth, just sitting in his hands and is watched me chug my breakfast.

"That was disgusting" His spoon was still in the same place.

I faked offence to his comment. "I think that was very lady-like of me" He just groaned.

I started to stand up and made sure to take my bowl with me and put it in the sink. I looked back at Zak who threw his spoon back in the bowl and pushed it away from him in disgust. I guess I made him loose his appetite. Oops.

I grabbed a glass from one of the cabinets and filled it with water from the fridge dispenser. I turned around, leant against the countertop and looked at Zak. "What's the plan for today?"

He sunk his head down in sighed. "That was what I was going to talk to you about"

Uh oh. I took a sip of my water.

"What's up?" I said cautiously.

He raised his head and make eye contact with me. "We never really got rid of our Jafar problem" He trailed off.

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