Chapter Thirty-Seven

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When I awoke, I felt no different than I felt the last time I woke up. Groggy and shitty.

"Wakey-wakey miss sunshine" a voice came from beside me. When I looked over I noticed it was the same nurse from earlier, changing my IV bags and checking to see if everything was working properly.

"Ugh" I groaned. "What happened?"

She chuckled. "You left your bed, which you really shouldn't have done. So you used up all the energy your body had and caused yourself a panic attack. If your dad wasn't here you could've died, again" she looked at me with the look that said 'You knew you shouldn't have gotten out of bed'

I looked down in embarrassment, then I realized there was a person missing. "Speaking of, where is my dad?"

She looked around the room. "Hmm. I don't know, he wasn't in here when I came in... maybe he got some snacks" she shrugged.

That was highly unlikely considering he had refused to leave my bedside for the past month and a half.

"I doubt that" I mumbled and began to remove he covers from my body so I could stand up, but the nurse held her hand out and stopped me.

"Did you forget about what happened last time already? You have to stay in bed until you are allowed to go home" she was giving me a disapproving stare.

"I'm fine, the only reason I had that little hiccup was because I got scared"

She furrowed her eyebrows and nudged her head telling me to continue. "Scared about what?"

I wasn't going to tell her the real reason. Even if I did, there was no way it would be believable.

"Oh yea my dad sent me into a flashback of when he was possessed and tried to kill me" pfft, like she was going to believe that.

"Uh, because I'm scared of dying....again" that seemed believable enough.

She hummed a response. When she started to walk out, she stopped and turned around.

"I don't trust that you'll stay in your bed" I shrugged my shoulders.

"You can't watch me all day, so that's too bad" I couldn't help but give her a smug smile.

"You're going to get up the second I'm gone, aren't you?" I gave her an innocent look.

"Okay, well then I guess you're coming with me" she went to the hallway and returned seconds later with a wheelchair.

"I thought I couldn't leave the bed?" I did not want to go with her.

She looked at me with a giant smile. "Well this is better than you leaving on your own, you will still be hooked up to everything and not stressing your heart"

I crossed my arms across my chest and stood my ground. "No way. I am not going to wheeled around like some immobile turd"

He pursed her lips. "Well I guess you will have to stay here another couple of days" she began to walk out.

I cannot stay here anymore; this place is nothing but a shit hole.

"Wait!" I yelled. She turned around right away. "I'll do it"

She grinned and walked toward me. She helped me get out of the bed (which I could've done on my own), and sat me down in the wheelchair, then made sure all the wires attached to my body were in the right spots.

"Alright lets gooo" she happily sang. I was not looking forward to this.

As we exited my hospital room and into the empty corridors, we ran into Aaron who was on his way to see me. He looked us up in down in confusion.

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