Chapter Thirteen

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It had been a long two days. Only a few words were spoken as soon as we reached the hotel. We all simply grabbed our things, checked into our rooms and went to bed. The only word that came out of Zak was a "goodnight" before he unlocked his room beside mine and closed the door behind him.

"Goodnight," I whispered as I walked into mine.

The first thing I did was flop onto the bed and groan. The bad feeling in my gut still hadn't gone away, it was only getting worse. I slowly stood up from the bed and dressed in some pyjama pants and an oversized t-shirt, then tucked myself into bed and fell asleep. Within a matter of seconds, I was asleep.

When I opened my eyes, I wasn't in the hotel anymore but in a white room. There was no bed, no windows, only white walls and white floors, and a single white door.

"Zak?" I called out, but the only answer I received was my own voice echoing off the walls.

I walked toward the door and tried the handle, but it was locked. I banged my fist on the door and yelled,

"Is someone there? Anybody? I'm locked in here!" I tried the handle again.

"You're all alone now," A voice came from behind me. I quickly spun around only to find the same empty wall.

"Who are you? Where are you?" I looked over the room.

A cold breath came from beside my ear, "Right here."

I let out a scream and put my arms up in the air, hoping to swat at whoever was taunting me, but of course, there was nothing there.

I turned around to try the door once more, hoping the third time would do me some justice. As I turned, the white walls shimmered around me, then the whole room changed into something far more terrifying.

I was in a dark hallway, the ceiling and walls were rotting away and falling to the floor below. The old paint was peeling and the cement walls had large and wide cracks that were so black they seemed to be doorways to other worlds.

The cold air surrounded me and bit at my skin. Every hair on my body to stood up straight. The wind howled through the hallway and blew my hair away from my face.

I looked down into the blackness of the corridor, only to see a tall and dark figure standing behind the shadows.

"Zak? Please tell me that's you. I don't know where I am, please tell me what's going on."

The figure did nothing. It stood still.

I began to walk closer to it, almost every fibre of my being hoped it was my father. Another part of me knew it wasn't.

A deep feeling in my gut told me to stop walking, and after the conversation I had with Zak the other day, I decided to not ignore it.

"Who are you?" I asked. "What do you want?"

The figure continued to stay still for a few moments. Then it began to walk out from the shadows. As it stepped out into the moonlight, its figure shortened, and the tall figure turned into a small girl.

She seemed so out of place when she stood in the hallway. Her moonlight-stricken blonde hair blew in the breeze, a small bow atop her head danced in the breeze and her white dress along with it.

"You aren't supposed to be here yet," she whispered.

I went to open my mouth but be pushed her small finger to her lips before I could speak.

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