Chapter Sixty-Four

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Alright! Here it is! fasten your seat belts on and put on your helmets cause this is one long and wild chapter!


 When I opened my eyes, all I could see was black.

I was laying down completely straight, as if I were laying down in a casket. I could feel my arms down by my sides, but whatever I was in wouldn't allow me to pull them any further past my waist. From what I could feel, I was surrounded by wood. The ground I was laying on was wood, the sides were wood, and the roof was wood. It was so tight I could barely breathe.

I let out a loud sigh. I was so tired of waking up in dark places, being in scary situations. Yet, part of me loved it. I loved knowing my day wouldn't be as boring as someone else my age, that when I wake up in the mornings, I know something special and supernatural would happen to me.

I lifted my head and released it, letting it fall into the ground and create a thud-like sound. Right away a pain from the base of my skull rippled its way through my body. I forgot that was where I was hit in the head.

Far away footsteps made themselves closer and closer toward me, just until they were almost above me. The sound of two men's voices came after. Without another thought I began yelling for help, slamming my hands into the sides of the walls and kicking my feet; anything to make them realize I was under them.

"Charlie? Is that you?" A voice came from above.

"Yes! Please! Get me out!"

Movement was easily heard above me as Aaron and Zak tried to uncover where I was. A few seconds later, a plank of wood was removed from directly above my head, and a bright flashlight was shone into my eyes making me squint. Within a few minutes, I was completely removed from the floor.

After removing any dirt that had collected on my clothes I looked up at my saviours, only to realize they weren't Aaron and Zak.

"Billy? Jay? What the hell are you two doing here?"

Jay scoffed, "You're welcome Charlie."

I sighed, "Thank you. Now why are you here?"

Billy and Jay exchanged glances before looking at me at the same time.

"Well, a couple hours ago we got a call from your dad asking if you'd stopped by at either of our places, but you obviously hadn't so we said no. He was super worried about you and said that you were supposed to be home around midnight, but you never showed. He said he even asked Aaron, but he hadn't seen you either. Zak said the last person to see you was the receptionist, Diana?"

Billy looked at Jay for the approval of the receptionist's name, and when Jay nodded, Billy continued.

"—anyway Zak told us that he was going to the museum to see if you were still there, and that if everything was fine, he would give both of us a call."

"But he never called." I added.

Billy shook his head. "No he did not. And I'm assuming since you thought we were both your dad and Aaron, Aaron is already here."

I nodded.

"So can you tell us what's going on? Why are you under the floor? Why does it look like a literal tornado flew through the Museum, and where are Aaron and Zak?

Throughout Jay's list of questions, my eyes found their way toward the giant space under the floor where I was buried not more than ten minutes ago. But once Jay mentioned they hadn't seen either Zak or Aaron, my eyes met his immediately.

"You haven't seen either my dad or Aaron?"

"Nope. We checked every single room in this place, they aren't here."

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