Chapter Thirty-Four

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It was if I had never left. Alarms were still blaring, and Zak was still on the ground.

He was just hopelessly watching as his only daughter repeatedly died right in front of him.

I looked at my body. It was so lifeless and beaten. That was the first time I wondered if I had made the right decision to come back.

All the sudden, they stopped resuscitating me. All the doctors took their hands off and the familiar sound of one nonstop single beep filled the room.

They all stood there and waited, but when my heart didn't come back, the bowed their heads in shame.

"Time of death... 17:59" Called one of the doctors.

"NOOOO!" yelled Zak. His sudden burst of energy prevented the Aaron, Billy and Jay from holding him back. He ran to my dead body. "Wake up Charlie! Come on Charlie! Open your eyes!" He was screaming.

The doctors just stood and watched as a father cried over his daughter's body.

Aaron ran over to him and whispered in his ear. "She's gone Zak, she's gone" Tears were rushing down his face.

Zak just cradled my body, put his head onto mine, and sobbed. I fell down to my knees, I'm stuck like this forever.

I sat on the ground and watched as everyone cleared the room to give my dad some space. He eventually stopped crying, but his head never left mine.

I walked up to him and put my hand on his. He jumped and looked around him.

Before this, he never felt anything when I touched him, but I guess it would be different because now I am actually dead.

"Guys!" he yelled. He didn't budge. They all rushed into the room, they just stared at my body.

"What is it" Aaron asked.

Zak held out the hand that I held. "Feel this area" he stood up and carefully covered my face with the sheets. "Feel my hand"

One by one they stood right beside me and hovered their hands where I was standing.

"It's ice cold" Billy muttered. "So is your hand" Jay added.

"It's Charlie" said Zak. "She's trying to tell us something"

They all sighed simultaneously. "Zak, we're in a hospital. It could be anything. People die here all the time, there's gotta be thousands of spirits, you can't tell if its Charlie or not"

He sighed in defeat. "I know"

This was depressing to watch.

A few seconds later a lady walked into the room. "I'm here for Charlie Bagans"

Zak stepped out of the way and showed my body just lying there.

She smiled apologetically. "I'm very sorry for your loss. Would a family relative like to come with me as we take her to the morgue?" Zak nodded.

I followed them as she rolled my body into the basement of the hospital.

"It's so lonely down here" he mumbled. The lady just pretended to ignore it. I mean, what you could say to that. 'Yeah sorry we didn't realize the dead cared so much'

Well, from personal experience, they do. It truly was a lonely and depressing place.

Once they parked me, she handed him a clipboard with a single sheet. "Okay, so I need you to confirm that this is your daughter, and whether to check yes or no for an autopsy"

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