Chapter Fourteen

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"Who's Rosemary?" Zak asked Phillip. A concerned look danced in his eyes. 

Philip looked between Zak and me, then looked directly at me. 

"Rosemary is another of the asylum's well-known spirits. She only visited the children here, and she does not like adults; especially men. She was a friend to the sick and dying, but she was a very angry spirit when she wanted to be. There was some talk about her here years ago, once a child mentioned her name we knew that child was never leaving the asylum alive." He paused, "I never believed it myself until a little boy here told me about his friend, Rosemary, and that night he died in his sleep." 

I bent over, placing my palms on my knees and deeply inhaled before standing up straight. I dared not look at Zak, I did not feel like meeting a certain concerned glance I knew all too well. 

Philip placed a hand under his white beard in thought, "Now that I come to think about it, there were quite a few child suicides in that wing, just before the children were to go home too. What a shame that was, everyone blamed it on the fever and moved on without giving it a second look."

"Then why did I see her?" I chimed in, "I don't have the fever, I haven't had a cold in years. Why did she pick me?"  

 Phillip shrugged his shoulders, "I can't tell you what I don't know child. The only thing I do know is that she showed herself to you for a reason. I would simply advise that it would be smarter for you not to enter that building on your own, or enter it at all."

Thanks a lot.

I directed my gaze to Zak, who wasn't looking at me at all. He was just staring at the same spot I saw Rosemary only a few minutes earlier. 

We said our farewells and thank you's to Philip as he walked back to his car, and as soon as he was gone I walked over to Zak. 

"What are you thinking?" I asked.

He tightened his mouth and let out a hum, "I'm thinking that you aren't going anywhere near those doors to the asylum. "

I opened my mouth to protest, but he continued talking.

"Don't fight me on this, Charlie. I told you that if anything were to seem off or too dangerous, my first priority would be your safety, and that drew the line. I know spirits, I know the paranormal, and this is not something you take lightly. You will stay in the van and watch the cameras with Jay. End of conversation." He picked up his pace and made his way to Billy, who just looked at me sympathetically. 

I crossed my arms across my chest, "But-"

"No buts, Charlie. I wouldn't be able to do my job as a father nor as a leader for this team if I knew you were in trouble. You aren't even in a good mindset to do this right now," He started to walk back toward me and spoke quietly, "We both know you had a nightmare last night and we both know that you didn't just forget it as soon as you woke up. You have not been yourself all day, and I've noticed. You will not go into that asylum, understand?"

I pursed my lips and nodded. He lowered his gaze awaiting an actual answer. 

I sighed and flopped my hands at my sides. "Yes, I understand."

He nodded and made his way back to Billy, who refused to look at me this time. 


The rest of the night included Zak, Aaron, Billy, Jay and I preparing for the lockdown.  We were setting up the cameras in the Levik Asylum; well, Zak, Billy and Aaron were. I was standing safely outside as the wind wisped my hair around and nipped at my skin through my jacket. It had been a fairly warm day, but as the sun lowered in the sky, the weather dropped a considerable amount. 

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